the timeline

  • 3 separate dates when the U.S. military crossed into Canada

    the first time the United States entered Canada was during the war of 1812 they entered Canada during a conflict invading multiple territories. The second time they entered Canada was during Fenian raids during 1866 and 1870 they launched raids into Canada and they did into getting Canada and getting Irish independence. The third time they entered was during ww2 1941 they entered Canada for joint military army exercise and that is about it.
  • battle of tippecone creak

    The Battle of Tippecanoe was fought on November 7, 1811 between the American forces under the command of William Henry Harrison, and Native American warriors under the leadership of Tenskwatawa, commonly referred to as “The Prophet.” Deemed an American victory, the battle had far lasting implications with Native
  • timeline

    Madison realized he could not continue Washington's policy of isolationism. Thus, he offered a deal to both France and Britain that if their country would stop attaching American ships, American would no longer trade with their enemy. Britain refused the offer, but Napoleon, Emperor of the French Empire, agreed.