Parables and Prophesies for the time of the end

  • Period: 29 to

    Great Spiritual Temple

    Its Most Holy is the location of Jehovah’s presence in heaven itself.​—Hebrews 8:1, 2; 9:11, 24.
    It is “the true tent, which Jehovah put up, and not man,” and its High Priest is Jesus
    At his baptism
    the place where the sacrifices were made pictures the perfect standing of the man Jesus that qualified him to offer his life for mankind. It also represents the righteous standing as holy ones, imputed on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice, that his anointed followers enjoy while on earth—Romans 1:7; 5:1.
  • 33

    Fine seed is sown

    a man who sowed fine seed in his field. (Mat 13:24) = Jesus
  • 33

    Curtain torn in two

    The apostle Paul explains that the curtain of the tabernacle, separating the Most Holy from the Holy compartment, pictures Jesus’ flesh. When Jesus sacrificed his life, this curtain was rent in two, showing that Jesus’ flesh was no longer a barrier to his entry into Jehovah’s presence in heaven. On the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice, his anointed underpriests who died faithful would, in due course, also pass into the heavens. (Matthew 27:50, 51; Hebrews 9:3; 10:19, 20)
  • 33

    Holy place

    we can conclude that the Holy Place in the tabernacle symbolizes a holy condition enjoyed first by Christ and then by the anointed members of the royal priesthood of the 144,000 while they are still on earth, before entering through “the curtain.” (Hebrews 6:19, 20; 1 Peter 2:9) It well represents their having been adopted as spiritual sons of God, even as God acknowledged Jesus to be his Son following Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan in 29 C.E. (Luke 3:22; Romans 8:15)
  • 100

    Death of Apostles

    While men were sleeping ( Mat 13:25)
    since the weeds, or false Christians, had overgrown the wheat, we do not know for certain who were part of the wheat class during all those years.
    About the year 100, “the weeds appeared.” These were false Christians. (Matthew 13:26) About the year 300, there were more “weeds” than there were anointed Christians.
  • Period: 100 to

    Captivity under Babylon the Great

  • Period: 100 to

    Valley filled with bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

    this restoration prophecy applies to “the Israel of God.” (Gal. 6:16; Acts 3:21) “a rattling sound” during the centuries leading up to the time of the end....some faithful individuals stood up in behalf of true worship to the extent that they were able to do so. (endeavored to produce Bibles in the languages of the common people / declared the truths found in God’s Word)
    Finally, in 1919, God’s people were given life, spiritually speaking, and were settled in their new spiritual land
  • Period: 100 to

    Weeds grow along with the weat (Mt 13:30)

    That growing season refers to the period during which genuine Christians were greatly outnumbered by apostates. The Christian congregation, in effect, was held captive by Babylon the Great. That captivity began sometime in the second century C.E. and continued until the cleansing of the spiritual temple in the time of the end
    During that extended period of spiritual captivity, the clergy and their political associates, kept the Word of God from the people under their control.
  • Period: to

    The ‘messenger who cleared up the way.’ (Matthew 11:10, 11)

    For many years before 1914, C. T. Russell and the brothers working with him did a work like that of John the Baptizer. They studied the Bible to discover what it really teaches.
    Ws 13 7/15 pp. 9-14 p 6
  • Period: to

    Time of restoration / Bones come to life

    the restoration is described as a gradual process, not something that happens suddenly.
    in the late 1800’s, Charles T. Russell and his associates worked zealously to restore Bible truths. As if symbolic flesh and skin were starting to be put on spiritual skeletons. Finally, in 1919, God’s people were given life, spiritually speaking, and were settled in their new spiritual land. Together with people with earthly hope they have become “an extremely large army.”​—Ezek. 37:10; Zech. 8:20-23.b
  • Collecting the weeds

    First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles (Matthew 13:30)
  • MESIANIC KINGDOM established / War in Heaven

    Rev 12:12
    Psalm 2:
  • Period: to

    Harvest time / Last days (Matthew 13:39) (Tim 3: 1-5) (Rev 12:12)

    Jesus said: “The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things.” That time of the harvest began in 1914.
  • Period: to

    Inspection of the Spiritual Temple - cleansing work (Malachi 3:1-4).

    Jesus began to inspect the spiritual temple in 1914. That inspection and cleansing work involved a period of time​—from 1914 to the early part of 1919
    W13 7/15 pp.9-11
    John the Baptizer was the ‘messenger who cleared up the way.’ (Matt. 11:10, 11) When he came in 29 C.E., a time of judgment for Israel had drawn close. Jesus was the second messenger. He cleansed the temple in Jerusalem twice​— at the start of his ministry and toward the end. (Matt. 21:12, 13; John 2:14-17)
  • Period: to

    42 months / 1260 days Courtyard and the holy city trampled / two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth(Revelation 11:2-4)

    literal 42 months extending from December 1914 to June 1918, when all professing Christians were put to a severe test.
    This period seems to be literal, since it is expressed in two different ways
    Additionally, at the beginning of the Lord’s day, there was a marked period of 3,5 years when the hard experiences of God’s people matched the events prophesied here​
    sackcloth =humble endurance in announcing Jehovah’s judgments +proclaiming his day of vengeance would bring mourning to the nations.​
  • Gathering of the wheat

    gather the wheat into my storehouse (Mat 13:30)
    Since 1919, anointed ones have been gathered into the cleansed Christian congregation. What about those anointed Christians who are alive at the end of this system of things? Their final gathering will happen when they go to heaven.​—Daniel 7:18, 22, 27.
  • Two witnesses killed

    in the spring of 1918,religious enemies maneuvered the State’s legal apparatus so that responsible ministers of the Bible Students were imprisoned on false charges of sedition. Kingdom activity almost ceased/as though the preaching work was dead
    unburied = indicates the shame that the two witnesses had to endure. Those mentioned above who were imprisoned were even denied bail while their cases were on appeal.
    their corpses left out of the great city = Christendom
    rejoiced over them
  • Fall of Babylon the Great (Isaiah 21:9; 26:5,6)(Jeremiah 50:1-3; Revelation 14:8)

    World War I started in Christendom. Disgrace! Babylon the Great lost its authority.
    In 1919 this “elevated town” was forced to release Jehovah’s people - a humiliating fall. Just as the release of Israel in the 6th century B.C.E. signaled a fall for ancient Babylon. (Isa 21:9): w00 1/1 8; ip-1 223-224
    (Isa 26:5, 6): ip-1 277, 279
    fall (Re 14:8; 18:2): re 205-209, 259-261; w05 10/1 24; dp 112; w96 4/15 11; si 266-267; w89 4/1 21; w89 4/15 4-9; w89 5/1 3-5; w88 12/15 20-21; ws 34-35
  • “the faithful and discreet slave” is appointed

    This was the year that God’s people started to return to their God-given spiritual estate. It was also the time when they were released from symbolic captivity to Babylon the Great. (Rev. 18:4
  • Two witnesses raised again!(Revelation 11:11, 12)

    an experience similar to that of the dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14) These two prophecies, in Ezekiel and in Revelation, had their striking modern-day fulfillment in 1919, when Jehovah restored his “deceased” witnesses to vibrant life
    After 1919 the spiritual domain of the two witnesses was out of her reach. In that year Jehovah had said to them: “Come on up here,” they ascended to an elevated spiritual state where their enemies could see them but not touch them.
    Revelation 11:13~1 Kings 19:14, 18
  • GREAT TRIBULATION ?just to make the chart?

    nobody knows the day and hour
  • ARMAGEDON ?just to make the chart?

    nobody knows when
  • Righteous ones shine brightly in the Kingdom

    it will be fulfilled in heaven, not on earth.
    All faithful anointed ones who are still on earth after the first part of the great tribulation has passed will already have received their final sealing. Then they will be gathered to heaven, as Jesus foretold. (Matthew 24:31) There they will shine “in the kingdom of their Father.” They will be part of Jesus’ joyous bride in “the marriage of the Lamb.” This happens soon after the battle of Armageddon.​—Revelation 19:6-9.
  • Weeds burned with fire

    collected and burned with fire(Matt. 13:40) This refers to the final outcome for the weeds. Their being thrown symbolically into the fiery furnace indicates that they are headed for eternal destruction. (Rev. 20:14; 21:8) The imitation, weedlike Christians, the impostors, will be eradicated during the “great tribulation.”
    The angels “will pitch them into the fiery furnace.” (Matthew 13:42) They will be completely destroyed during the final part of the great tribulation, Armageddon.​—Malachi 4:1.