The Time of my Life.

By ibojoye
  • The Time Of My Life.

    Arrived weightning 9lb4oz. Met my two older sisters.
  • Period: to

    The Time of My Life.

  • First Two Years. The Time Of My life.

    Naming cermony perform on March 10, 1972. According to my tradition the new baby is name the 8th day after there arrival to the earth this is were all the families and friends official met the baby.The next stage will be my sense of touching feeling and learning my native language as well as learning to commuincate in English.Also in th e stage I learn to crawl, walk and explore my environment.
  • Age of independece. 3yrs. to 6yrs.

    This was a fun stage for me according to my parents. This is the stage that I wanted to do everything that my older sisters can do. I also became a big sister. I had a great imagination and enjoyed very much playing with my friends. I was such a town boy preventive measure were put in place by parents to prevent injuries.
  • Beginning of School years

    First day of First grade. My father escort me to school. My teacher's name was Mrs. Adegboye. I was very worried about my new environment and meeting new friends.I sat next to a girl name Adija Mustapher she later became my best friend before the end of the week.This is the stage that I also learn to read.
  • The grow up stage from 11yrs. to 17yrs.

    The grow up stage, going throw adolescence was a very challenging stage. Changes are going on all over the place, both physical and emotinal. Just moved to a new country and have to try to fit it in as well as try to find myself
  • The aftermath of the grow-up stage. Adulthood.1989 to 1999.

    I enjoyed this stage now I know myself and Iam comfortable within my self. I graduated from highschool,went on to college,received my first job. Reconnected with my best friend on a romantic level.
  • A family of my own.2000 to 2008.

    April 15th 2000 married to my best friend, very joyous occassion.November,2002 discover that I was pregnant with my daughter. August gave birth a beautiful baby girl wiegh 8lbs3oz. Happy!Happy!Happy! In feb. of 2008, Gave birth to my second child a baby boy weighing 8lbs 12oz. Joyous occassion onces more.
  • Changing career path Lifestyle changing..From 2010 to 2020.

    Change career from being in management to nursing. Looking for a more fulfilling career. 2011 took start the nursing progarm. Graduate from the nursing program .Go back to school for my R.N. obtained my R.N. Obtain my B.S.N and My Master for nursing.
  • Children Lifestyle changes..2020 to 2040

    Daughter and Son, graduated from high school and college.Daughter and son gets married. Children now becomes parent . Husband and I are now grandparents. Enjoying every moment of it. Traveling all around the world having the time of my life.
  • Making a difference in the World .2040 to 2069

    Working deligently in my non-profit clinic in Nigeria, Enjoying Life still traveling all over the world. Enjoying my children, grandchildren and my husband. Living a very satisfiy life.Pass on to the next stage which is death. Passing on a great legacy for my offspring.