
The Time line of the Marines

  • Start of the Marines

    Start of the Marines
    In 1775 the Continental marines was founded. They were founded to ship to ship combat, shipboard security, discipline enforcement, and assist in landing forces.
  • The first Commandant

    John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress, authorizes captain's commission for Samuel Nicholas, which tradition holds, was the first Commandant of the Marine Corps.
  • Maiden expedition

    Maiden expedition
    On Febuary 1776 the marines embarked on their maiden expedition. The Marines were dispaned along with the Continental Navy. In preperation of the Quasi War with France Congress created The United States Navy and the Marine Corps.
  • Anphibious Raid

    First amphibious raid: New Providence, Bahamas
  • Independence

    Declaration of Independence signed
  • Treat of paris

    Treaty of Paris; Marine Corps disbands shortly after treaty signed. Formal re-establishment of Marine Corps doesn't occur until 11 July, 1798.
  • Fortress Captured

    Capture of fortress at Derne, Tripoli -- Lt. Presley N. O'Bannon presented "Mameluke" sword for actions at Derne (25-27)