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The thirteen colonies timeline

By 35018
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    The thirteen colonies are founded

    the first colony founded was Virginia in 1607 by John Smith and
    John Rolfe and the last was Georgia and were founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe.
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    the French and Indian war

    Because of land disputes the French and England fought in the French and Indian war which England later won
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    The Townshend acts

    The Townsend acts were a Acts created to tax the colonies After The French and Indian war. They taxes were placed because of borrowed money during the French and Indian war and were in huge debt. Then because of The colonists Rebelling, the the British dropped all the Townsend acts except for one, the one on tea.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre happened in March 5, 1770 during a protest. The British soldiers opened fire on an unarmed protesters.
  • The Boston Tea party

    The Boston Tea party
    People in the Boston tea party threw tea off a boat as a protest for the tax on tea.
  • battle of Lexington and Concorde

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the revolutionary war. The British were marching when the Americans intercepted the British soldiers at the end the British won but on there way back for ammunition and supplies the Americans attacked and they won.
  • The decleration of independence

    The declaration of the independence was adopted on this day. It stated the rights that the colonists should have.
  • The battle of Trenton

    The battle of Trenton was the turning point of the war. George Washington led the attack on Christmas. It convinced the French that they should help in the war.
  • The battle of Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown
    The battle of Yorktown was the battle where the Americans had secured their win in the revolutionary war. After days of fighting general Cornwallis surrendered.
  • First president

    First president
    George Washington was elected first president