Plato and Aristotle 400 B.C.E
They believed that the world was perfect and unchanging. Everything was made up out 4 elements: fire, water, earth and air. Gods did their work on evolution. -
He was born 1707 and died 1788. His field on study was anatomy. He challenged the belief that the world was 6000yrs. old, quite publicly. Believed similarities in ceryain species suggest a common ancestor. In 1749 he published his thoughts on the world. -
His field of study was paleontology. Believed that a series of catostrophic events happened that drasticly changed the world, he called them revolutions. Emergence and disappearance of species fossil records. -
His field of study was geology. Gradual and subtle changes. Earth is older than 6000yrs. Believed that a chain of catastrphic events happened that caused a huge change in the world. -
Traits can be passed on, He also believed that species can gain traits through there lives and pass those on, he called them accquired traits. This teory was later proved wrong. -
Darwin Started off his journey going on the beagle travelling around the world, looking at different islands like the Galapogos Islands, that's wherer he started his theory on natural selection. He noticed all the finches on the islands look similar but had differrent beaks, like the ones who liked eating nuts had larger beaks for breaking open the nuts and the ones with smaller, sleeker beaks like to eat seeds and insects. He also noticed this with the tortoises, the saddled shelled tortoises