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Testy Timeline

  • Start of The Great Depression

    Start of The Great Depression
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Starting in 1930, the Dust Bowl is an over 5-year drought that happened and severely affected the farmers in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This drought took away all of the vegetation, and fruit that the farmers were growing. Another consequence is that the drought turned the fresh soil into dry dirt, and it got blown by the wind across the countryside. The long absence of water was another contribution to the loss of crops. Eventually, the provinces looked like a desert with sand/dirt.
  • Canadian Farmers Unemployment C&C

    Canadian Farmers Unemployment C&C
    The unemployment for Canadian farmers was a definite change because never before has this area of work been unemployed. Farmers have one of the most important jobs, and they produce most of our vegetation and fruits. This was caused by the dust bowl that took over farmland and captured it for over 5 yrs, making it a decline because of the loss of jobs and the non-beneficial situation.
  • Canadian Farmers Unemployment

    Canadian Farmers Unemployment
    In 1931 the dust bowl was a big drought that lasted over 5 yrs, and easily took away all of the crops and fresh soil. This caused the farmers in Alberta and Saskatchewan to lose control, and let go of their farm. It put them into the loss of money, production and forced them into unemployment. The unemployment of the farmers is one of the more vital ones because they are the source of fresh food like livestock and crops.
  • Unemployment Relief Camps C&C

    Unemployment Relief Camps C&C
    This event in time was a continuation of history because the government finally "changed" and started to "help" out the men who were having trouble supporting themselves and their families. They were still only helping themselves. This relates back to the Winnipeg General Strike, and the government took action to help themselves and use violence. It's that same thing here but instead of them containing a riot, they are putting them far away from civilization with the military. This was progress.
  • Unemployment Relief Camps

    Unemployment Relief Camps
    In 1932 Canada and the rest of the world were in The Great Depression and forced many people to lose their jobs with minimal pay and to enter the unemployed state. Single men able to be taken to relief camps, which were in the middle of nowhere and they would be able to be put to hard and demanding work for a decent wage. The men got to the camps by train and be surrounded by the military. They were also there so the riot chances were taken away because they didn't want a repeat of Winnipeg.
  • WWII Employment for Canadian Workers C&C

    WWII Employment for Canadian Workers C&C
    The employment in WWII for Canadian workers was a change in events because the industry was struggling from the great depression. They worked to get out and rallied every worker that they could to mainly prepare for the war. There ended up being over 3 million Canadians, which included men and women, that were pulled together to prep for WWII. It is progress because in WWI the women were allowed and told to work when the men were at war, now it's before WWII and the women are allowed to Work.
  • WWII Employment for Canadian Workers

    WWII Employment for Canadian Workers
    In 1939 when the WW2 was declared, Canada had a huge increase in workers that were both men and women employed, coming of the great depression to prepare for war. In Canada, there were over 3 million workers that were given jobs from the government and the military to work on various war equipment and creating weapons and defence mechanisms. By the men in the war, the women, and the other men that didn't have jobs, could occupy their job while they were gone fighting and this helped many people.
  • Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers Contribution

    Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers Contribution
    In 1939 when WWII started, the indigenous people had both men and women from different native groups serving in WWII in different roles. The men over in Europe mostly fought alongside the rest of the men, and the women that enlisted in WWII were set up to work the nursing and medical roles. Another job that the women had been in the mechanical fields, like working on the weapons and vehicles. The indigenous people had a very important role on the homefront with jobs to keep the community going.
  • Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers C&C

    Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers C&C
    The Indigenous WWII soldiers in the war had a bit of a change because they were now allowed to go into the war right away, and could serve in different branches, as for WWI they weren't. But it is continuing that they are allowed to serve in WWII. There were about 1,800 indigenous people in the second world war. The reason why there were not many was that most need to meet standards that would include medical and strict educational standards.This was an increase as they were making fast progress
  • Dust Bowl C&C

    Dust Bowl C&C
    This event in time was a total change because it was so rare for this to happen, and especially in Canada where in the winter there was no snow. The change wasn't good at all because it put the farmers in a tough spot. The conditions that Canadian farmers were experiencing, were never to be seen before in Canada, this also was a decrease because their production took a huge hit.
  • End of The Great Depression

    End of The Great Depression
  • Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers Contribution C&C

    Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers Contribution C&C
    The contribution of the indigenous people in Canada for WWII was a change that happened from the first world war. because they were allowed to do many things like joining the air force, navy, and the army. They also contributed by serving as a nurse and taking care of the injured soldiers. It was major progress because they were getting more chances to be equal with everyone and do stuff like serve in the wars regularly. They were gaining more acceptance from the government their peers as well.
  • Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers

    Canadian Indigenous WWII Soldiers
    By the end of when WWII in 1945 was there were about 4,300 indigenous people serving over in Europe. These people were usually from the Metis, Mohawk and others as well. They had to then have the right education, medical care and training before entering the war. There were some women that enlisted for the war from the First Nations and Metis, and they occupied medical roles such as doctors and some mechanical roles as well. They served to get various rights for their community.