The First Telephone is Created
Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas A. Watson create the first telephone in Boston Massachutes.
This is signifigant becasuse it the start of an item that changed America by being able to talk to each other over long distances.
Source 2. -
Telephone transmissions exend across major cities
As telephone transmission extends across and between major cities, "loading coils" or inductors are placed along the lines to reduce distortion and attenuation or the loss of a signal's power. Independently invented by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company's (AT&T) George Campbell and Michael Pupin of Columbia University. Pupin is awarded the patent for the device.
This is signifigant because more people will have accsess to the telephone. Source #1 -
First transcontinetial call is made
Alexander Graham Bell makes the first transcontinental telephone call to Thomas Watson-from New York to San Francisco-after trials using De Forest’s triodes successfully boost the long-distance signal. What is the world’s longest telephone line consists of 2,500 tons of copper wire, 130,000 poles, three vacuum-tube repeaters, and countless numbers of loading coils.
This is signifiant because Now important leaders can communicate without having to travel. Source #1 -
switching systems and rotary-dial telephones
Bell System companies begin installing switching systems and rotary-dial telephones, though dial phones have been around since just before the turn of the century. The dial makes it easier for customers to place calls without an operator. The finger wheel of the dial interrupts the current in the phone line, creating pulses that correspond to the digits of the number being called.
This is signifignt because now tehre is a dialing system that revolvs around phone numbers. Source #1. -
North American Numbering Plan
With the rapidly growing number of telephone customers, AT&T and Bell Labs develop the North American Numbering Plan, a system that assigns telephone numbers to customers in the United States and its territories as well as Canada and many Caribbean nations. The first three digits of a typical number identify the area being called; the next three, called the prefix, locate the closest central or switching office; and the last four digits represent the line number. -Source #1 -
First Phone to combine a ringer and a handset
AT&T introduces the Model 500 telephone, the first that combines a ringer and handset. The classic black rotary phone, featuring an adjustable volume control for the bell and later a variety of colors, becomes a cultural icon.
This is signifigant because it i sthe start of the most common telephone that we use today. Source 1. -
First direct longdistance calling is available
In a test in Englewood, New Jersey, customers are able to make long-distance calls within the United States directly, without the assistance of an operator. But it takes another decade for direct long-distance dialing to be available nationwide.
This is signifigant becasue now everyone can talk to anyone almost anywhere. Source 1. -
First 911 call is made.
The first 911 call was made in Alabama. In 1967, Congress had passed a bill to put such a system in place. AT&T announced plans to put a system in place but an independent comapany, Alabama telephoen completed teh system first. 911 was chosen becasue it was easy to remeber and it was not an already used area code for an y area in Canada or teh U.S.
This is signifigant becasue it is teh creation of a system that saves many lives. -
First Portable Cell Phone call is made
The first portable cell phone call is made by Martin Cooper of Motorola to his research rival at Bell Labs, Joel Engel. Although mobile phones had been used in cars since the mid-1940s, Cooper’s was the first one invented for truly portable use. He and his team are awarded a patent in 1975.
This is signifigant because the first rough draft of something that can do incredible things today, has been invented. -
U.S military Begins using fiber-optics
The U.S. military begins using fiber optics to improve communications systems when the navy installs a fiber-optic telephone link on the USS Little Rock. Used to transmit data modulated into light waves, the specially designed bundles of transparent glass fibers are thinner and lighter than metal cables, have greater bandwidth, and can transmit data digitally while being less susceptible to interference.- Source #1. This is signifigant because now the telephone is even helping teh military. -
100 Million Cellular Phone prescribers
The number of cellular telephone subscribers in the United States grows to 100 million, from 25,000 in 1984. Similar growth occurs in other countries as well, and as phones shrink to the size of a deck of cards, an increasingly mobile society uses them not only for calling but also to access the Internet, organize schedules, take photographs, and record moving images.
This is signifigant becasue this shows how almost everyone in America and other countries are now using the telephone.