The evolution of cars

  • The First Automobile

    The First Automobile
    The first automobile was built by French inventor and military engineer, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot. He built it after years of working with models of steam-engine-powered vehicles for the French Army. He called it the 'fardier à vapeur'.
  • The First Carriage

    The First Carriage
    Robert Anderson of Scotland built first electric carriage. It was powered by non-rechargeable primary power cells.
  • Gas Engines

    Gas Engines
    Belgian inventor, Étienne Lenoir, developed the first internal combustion (gas) engine.
  • Diesel Engines

    Diesel Engines
    Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine in 1893.
  • Fisrt Car Radio

    Fisrt Car Radio
    Kelly's Motors introduced the first car radio to NSW, Australia.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)

    Global Positioning System (GPS)
    The Global Positioning System (GPS) for cars was introduced.
  • Going Green

    Going Green
    Car manufacturers started making more fuel efficient vehicles due to environmental concerns
  • Future

    This is what I think the car design might look like in the future.