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The Summer I Lost It

By Polka92
  • Kat starts Journaling for summer project

    Kat starts Journaling for summer project
    Kat believes that she is overweight and decides to lose weight.
    Why its important:
    She made a life decision to start eating healthier and lose a neccesary amount of weight.
  • William's baseball game

    William's baseball game
    Josh is at the game when his grandma makes a comment about her figure.
    Kat becomes even more determined to lose weight.
  • Kat's first gym session

    Kat's first gym session
    Kat starts her training session with her aunt's trainer, Stephanie.
    Kat starts training to lose weight.
  • Kat meets Connor

    Kat meets Connor
    Kat finally meets Connor.
    She believes she has a chance with him and feels more confident.
  • Kat's first weigh-in

    Kat's first weigh-in
    Kat is finally weighing herself after a week at the gym.
    Kat gets to see if she lost weight after all her hard work.
  • Over him

    Over him
    Kat sees Josh with Alexis and realizes she's over him.
    She is finally over the guy she's been crushing on for two years.
  • Kat and Connor hang out at the Gym

    Kat and Connor hang out at the Gym
    Connor asks Kat if she wants to train with him and she says yes. They finally get to know each other better. Connor also asks her if she wants to go to a baseball game with him.
    Kat gets to know Connor and becomes less shy around him.
  • Kat and Connor go to a baseball game

    Kat and Connor go to a baseball game
    Kat is very nervous to go on a date with Connor and all goes well when he texts her at night saying how he had a great time.
    Kat goes on her first date with Connor and meets his parents.
  • Kat's first real date with Connor

    Kat's first real date with Connor
    Connor asks Kat out on a date to the movies. She gets very excited and cant wait.
    Kat and Connor's love life is finally moving forward.
  • Emily's party

    Emily's party
    Emily has a party but Kat doesnt take Connor. Josh sticks around her all night, flirting and whatnot. Instead of feeling elated when he was around, she only felt irritation.
    Josh no longer has an effect on Kat.
  • William's second baseball game

    William's second baseball game
    Kat takes Conner to William's baseball game and they run into Josh.
    Connor finally introduces himself as Kat's boyfriend.
  • Gym w/ Connor

    Kat and Connor train together.
    Kat realizes that she feels calm around Connor and not anxious or self-conscious like how she felt around Josh.
  • Vacation

    Kat loses all the weight she needed to lose to feel good about herself so her family goes on vacation.
    Kat finally loses all the weight necessary and she feels good about herself.
  • Connor's family joins Kat's family for Vacation

    Connor's family joins Kat's family for Vacation
    Connor's and Kat's family all have dinner together. They get along greatly.
    Their parents finally met each other.
  • Teen dance

    Teen dance
    Kat is worried that Connor doesnt want to go with her, however, he shows up with flowers and they go to the dance, enjoying themselves greatly.
    They both confess that its been the best summer of their lives. (They: Kat and Connor)