John Stuart
The action carried out by John Stuart Mill in 1866 in Parliament by which he presented an application signed by 1,500 women demanding that the suffrage reform that was being debated at that time included the female vote. At that time only the heads of the family and the owners had the right to vote. -
Emmeline Panlhyurst
The most prominent leader of English suffragism was Emmeline Pankhyurst, the widow of a doctor of radical tradition who founded the WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union) in Manchester in 1904. Pankhyurst had joined the ranks of socialism in 1894 by joining the independent Labor Party with her husband. -
The suffragettes
The suffragettes chained themselves to the fence of Downing Street, residence of the Prime Minister and even entered it. They were launching leaflets from balloons. They organized mass rallies for those who chartered trains (in Hyde Park in 1908, The Times estimated that 500,000 people had turned out). -
Wallace Dunlop
In 1909 suffragettes began to go on hunger strike after being imprisoned. The first of them to do so was Wallace Dunlop. -
The suffragette
En 1910 los liberales vuelven a ganar las elecciones con la promesa de reformar el derecho de sufragio. Lo cual provoca una tregua en la lucha de las sufragistas. Sin embargo una vez en el gobierno los liberales aclaran que se trata de universalizar el sufragio masculino y que el femenino deberá someterse a discusión en el parlamento. -
The argument of the stone
Specifically, on March 1, 1912, they began with what they called "the argument of the stone", some 200 women broke all the windows of the commercial area of Oxford Street in London; and they did it in Downing Street too -
Emily Wilding Davison
In the dervy of June 4 the suffragette Emily Wilding Davison took to the horse track and was crushed by the royal horse,
because she wanted to nail a suffragette flag to the horse, -
Millicent Fawcett
Millicent Fawcett was American activist Carrie Chapman Catt, and other leading women's rigths activist.
Millicent was a feminist, intelectual, politic and union leader, British writer and was suffragist movement leader during 50 years.