Date Of Exsistence
Its hard sometimes to chase your dreams but as proven by Steve Jobs anything is possible. Steve Jobs is a gift with amazing talent who has changed our lives and what we think about techology forever. Ever since Jobs created Apple, now many people across the world and have made business and just life in general more easier. -
His Studies/High School Graduation
As Steve Jobs moved forward toward his goals in life, he was enrolled at HomeStead High school where we found out what he actually wanted to do in life. He figured since he was pratically and expert in technology why not make a living off that, which he soon did, What's different about him then most students, he dropped out 8 months later and took creative classes because he realized college life wasn't right for him, plus his family needed the money. -
A New Journey
Jobs was on a role to success when in the same year he dropped out of college he got his first job. He worked for techician and for Atari, Inc in California. The type of field he worked in took Steve Jobs all across the world, like India. -
College: The Big Decision
While Jobs was still finding out his major he applied and enrollied in Reed College which was in Portland, Oregon. Throughout his time in college he realized he wanted to make a difference in life and wanted people to remember him by not just his name, but by what he has accomplished. -
Work Life: Exploring Different Opportunties
Because Jobs was able to travel around the world to see what life brings him, when he came back to the U.S he realized that there is a lot more things he could do to make a difference. One was Apple! Apple is a type of device that everybody using now because its more human- friendly to us then other devices. Apples is just not for computers but since its a company its for ipods, phones, and ipads as well. However, this all started when Steve Jobs met Steve Wozniak. -
The Growth of Apple
Once the Apple product was introduced to the world it grew rapidly. Even with the price at $1000 because the device was so good lots of people bought it. The boys together started making more many then they thought they would and it all started with two guys in a garage. Little did they know they were on their way to success!!! -
Moving Forward: Next Big Thing
When Jobs and Wozniak saw how well their first idea was going jobs decided he wanted to another project, wish was to help out with NeXT Computer. As soon as jobs knew he was going to work with "This Company" he left Apple and started to move towards new things. The struggles were hard on him when he signed up for this company and he realized fast that he needed money, luckyly he had a good offer. After this experience Steve Jobs decided that he wanted to push himself to see how far he could go! -
Welcome To The Big Sceen: Chanellging Mode
Jobs is known for his incredible talent (good with computers) and with this he made the decision to make movies for Pixar and Disney. Over the years he made many movies for children like Toy Story (1995) , A Bug's Life (1998) , Monster Inc. (2001) and a lot more. Many of these movies were a hit and because of that he won lots of awards. -
Taking A Step Back
Since Steve jobs worked at neXT computer they decided they were going to buy Apple for $427 million and in doing so jobs decided he was going to come back. Once back, Jobs became chief right after and he was in charge of coming up with products/device that people could use in their everyday lifestyle. -
Its Offical
This year is very important because this is the year when Apple became CEO member . What this means is that CEO makes the products and Apple sells them and of course Apple will have to come up with items for CEO to make. As Steve ad th workers for Apple struggle with a product they come across an idea; phones...... -
Inventions To Come: Things Use In Your Everday Lifestyle
Jobs created many devices and products to help make life easier for human beings. For example, he was the one who help make iPads, iPhones, iPod touches and Mac computers. These little things are essential to our life! -
The Wonderful World Of Business
Every since Steve jobs join pixar and helped out with Disney, he has helped Disney recieve $7.4 million. Disney thanked him and Jobs found out that he has accomlished his goals and will continue to move forward with his life. -
A New Way of Life
This year is very important because from here on out iPhones have been created. iPhones are one of the best quailty phones out there and thats not just my opinion that is a known fact. Each year the Apple company has made the same device (iPhone) but has changed any problems with them and has made the device better. -
Unknown WhereAbouts
When Steve Jobs introuduces the iphone, the press gets curious about his health and wonders if there something one with Jobs. -
A Secret Announced To The Press
Lately at around this time of the year Steve Jobs work got into the way and because of that he had to announce to the press that he was having health issues and that he was unable to speak at a convention. -
Dramatic Change
The biggest obsticale of Steve Jobs life was when he got a liver transplant. Of course he went in for surgery and this was one of the hardest things Jobs had to work on because he wanted to get better. -
Final Straw: Terrible Incident
It happened! The year final came when Steve Jobs was put to sleep(died). He could stop it or help it anymore and at the hospital in Memphis, TN he died.