Jan 1, 1100
religious wars between the crusades and the muslims. They fought over the holy land. Very little accomplished though a eurpoean military. inportance; The Crusades were a series of wars during the Middle Ages where the Christians of Europe tried to retake control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims. inportance; -
Jan 1, 1340
black death
It is the plague of the 1300s. The plague killed 1/3 european population over 25 million in 5 years were killed. Inportance; The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history -
Jan 1, 1513
post dal lona
THE 1st congvistor to explor modern day u.s. Looked for moutain of youth they never found it. inportance; Christopher Columbus on his 1493 voyage to the New World. -
Jan 1, 1517
postings of the 95 these
He put the 95 these on the door he did not like how it was ran. Importance;The 95 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences commonly. -
Jan 1, 1521
martin luther excommicated
summry ;Martin Luther, the chief catalyst of Protestantism, was a professor of biblical interpretation at the University of Wittenberg in Germany when he drew up his 95 theses condemning the Catholic Church for its corrupt practice of selling indulgences, or the forgiveness of sins. He followed up the revolutionary work with equally controversial and groundbreaking. inportance; The Catholic Church was ever after divided, and the Protestantism that soon emerged was shaped by Luther’s ideas. -
Jan 1, 1524
vascode gama
1st eurpoean to sail from europen to India around africa. They wanted Indials spices. inportance; Vasco da Gama was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India. -
Jan 1, 1532
king henry the eighth
He controlled the cruch and the county. But he had his sencond wife beheaded.
inporance; Henry VIII is one of the most famous kings in British history -
Jan 1, 1533
heernando de sota explores missippi river
summarry; Ask to explor parts of the u.s.THey were looking for gold. There were 620 men pluse 220 houres. inportance; Born in the last years of the 15th century, de Soto first came to the New World in 1514. -
Jan 1, 1540
coronado explores the grant canyon
summarry; Looking for gold but never found i.southeastern u.s. -
massachyetts bay est.
There supplys were fish,lumber and ship bulding. They exported corn ,fish and lumber. They growed seafood,cramberries and live atock. inportance; -
massach bay est
summary; Fish,ships and buldings were exported and sold. They growed sea food, cramberries and life stock. The 1620s were a time of political and religious turmoil in England.
Massachusetts Bay Colony The 1620s were a time of political and religious turmoil in England. -
conneticon establishment
Summary: Farming was hard there. They only farmed anof for there family. The faarming soil was bad. inportance; -
salen witchtrails
sumary; It began in a home of rev, parris. The galls began acting crazy. Community was scared witch craft. Inportance; As winter turned to spring the townspeople were aghast at the behaviors exhibited by Tituba's young followers. -
sugar act
summary; New molasses act from 1733. Requires to pay 6 pence per gallon. inportance; The Sugar Act also increased enforcement of smuggling laws. -
french and indian
Sumary; IT was from 1754 to 1763 it lasted 9 years. There was a fight between france england over the ohio river valley. Inportance; -
Rench victory gen braddock killed
Sumarry; British lost against french war. There were 3 water ways. French rename it ft. pit Inportance; -
creation sons loberty
summarry; they were redal group First widely know act on augest 14, 1765. inportance; The Sons of Liberty made their first appearance in late 1767. -
stamp act
summary; There were 10,000 troops stationed on the american frontier. A british act. inporance; -
tea ack
summary; The act was not indepened to rais reveue in the american colonies. The final spark to the revolution inportance; -
rvinter at valley forge
sumary; Americans troops traine. They took controle over the war. Inportance; It was a milliary base. -
battle of yorktown
sumary; It was the last battle between america and elgland. THe frenched helped us win the battle. The britis troops surenderd. Inportance; -
Treaty of paris
sumary; They finshed the war. Declarded independance inportance; the British and the British Americans could enjoy the fruits of victory. The terms of the Treaty of Paris were harsh to losing France. -
compormise of 1850
sammary; sentator henry clay introdced series of resdutions on janry 29, 1850 in attemput tp speek a compromise inportance; Clay introduced an omnibus bill covering these measures inportance; -
fugitive slave law
summary; THe fugitive slaves law is were passed by the united states congress in 1793. inportance; The fugitive slave laws were laws passed by the United States Congress in 1793 and 1850 to provide for the return of slaves who escaped from one state -
Under ground rail road
summary; When slaves would run away the owners would put out rewards for the ruturn of the slave. In 1860 most of the railroad in the u.s. stretching across the nothern states. Inportance; It help free slaves. -
Assassination of linclon
sumary; It was 54 years old. he was the national union party. He had five children. He was killed in washtion dc. Inportance; A presdent was killed. -
voyage of clumbus Italy
He htought that he could sail west to east to indain. kand to spain gaev the money. They had 3 ships NIna,Pinta,Sunte,Maria. Importance:to find a faster way to get spices from india -
emancipation proclamation
summarry; President abanam lincoln issued the emancipation proclmation on january 1, 1863 as the national apprached its 3 year of bloody civil war. Inporrtance; that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."