Jan 1, 1095
Summary; The crusades was a religious battle between christans and muslims. They fought over holy land. The crusades were a seriers of wars during the Middle ages. Importantce; Jerusalem was important to a large number of religions during the middle ages. It was important to Jewish people as it was to the site of the original temple to God bulit by King Solomon. -
Jan 1, 1348
Black Death
Summary: killed 1/3 of the European population over 25 million people. People belived it was a punishment from god. Ring a around the rosey poeple got a red rash. Improtance; The black death is the name for a terrible disease that spread throughout Europe from 1347 - 1350. -
Mar 22, 1348
Stamp act
Summary; The stamp act was a tax put on tthe amerocan colonies by the British in 1765. It sadi they had to pay a tax on all sortfs of printed materials. It was called the stamp act because the colonies were supposed to buy paper from the British. Importance; The stamp act didn't like how people were drinking tea so they put a price on tea. The colonist also thought that it was crazy how they put a tax on tea. -
Jan 1, 1460
Vasco Da Gama
Summary; Vasco Da Gama was the first European to sail from Europe to India around africa they wanted Indian's spices. Importance; Vasco Da Gama was a portugese exploer. He led the first expedition that traveled from Europe to India by sailing around Africa. -
Jan 1, 1460
Ponce De Leon Expolers Florida
Summary; Ponce de leon was the first conqvistador to expolre modern day v.s. look for "fountian of youth" but it was never found. Importance; In 1506 ponce de leon dicovered a nearby island named Borinquen he also found large depoists of gold. -
Aug 3, 1492
Voyage Of Columbus
Summary; Christopher Coulmbus thought he could sail west to east to India, King and Queen gave them money. The 3 ships he sailed is Nina, Pinta, Sante maria. He made four trips. Importance; Christopher columbus is the expoler that was credited for discovering America. -
Oct 31, 1517
Posting 95 Theses
Summary; October 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the door of the wittenburg chruch. It browt changes in religions and the way of life. Importance; Martin Luther posted the 95 theses because he saw things that were completely wrong with the chruch. Martin Luther wanted to warn people about the chruch. -
Jan 3, 1521
Martin Luther is Excommurnicated
Summary; The people demanded luther to take back his 95 theses. Luther was excommunicated from the catholic chruch. Importance; He was excommunicated because he choose to go against the chruch beceuase of there rules and the way they controled the catholic chruch. -
May 8, 1541
Hernando De Sota Explores Mississippi River
Summary; Hernando Da Sota was asked to explore the South part of the United States searching for gold. 620 women, 220 horses 1 month to build crafts to travel over. Importance; In 1514 de sota salied with the Spanish govener of Pananma where he assisted in the conqest of Ceneteral America. -
Massachusetts Bay Est
Summary; New England had money, fish, building, lumber, whaling, some people exported (sold) corn, fish, lumber, growing seafood, cranberries, and livestock. Inportance; The massachusetts colony was one of the oringial 13 colonies located on the Alatinc coast of North America. -
Connecticut Estadlishment
Summary; Farming was ahrd. Only farmed enough for families - soild was bad subs is a tence farming. They have money, fish,. They grew wheat and corn. Importance; They didn' t have that much money back then. -
Salem Witch Trials
Summary; The salem which trials was in pontan community. It began in a home of Rev. Parris telling stories to his daughter. Girls began acting crazy. The community was scared of "which craft' Purtains were scared of "devil" Importance; People started acting like this because Rev. parris told his daughter about the which trials. -
French and Indian War
Summary; There was a fight between France and the England ove the Otlio River valley. The French was nice to the Indians. England brought G. Washington to negotiate. G. Washington "accidentally" killed an ambassador. Importance; This war lasted for 9 years. G. Washington didn't really want to share the land with the Indians. -
French Victory
Summary; The British and the French owned 3 water ways. French renamed it Ft. Pitt. Importance; General Braddock led troops to acttack ft. Douglas. -
Sugar Act
Summary; They increased the taxes on coffee, indigo and certain kinds of wine. These taxes are affected only a certain part of the population. Importance; The sugar act in 1746 was a British law passed by Parilament of great britain. -
Creation Of Sons Of Liberty
Summary; Undergorund organization that was founded by Samuel Adams and John Handcock in July 1765. Stopped many American merchants from odering British trade goods. The stamp act was a direct to Britsh tax. Importance; There were many workers associations, or fatrenal orginaztions that provieded fellowship for craftsmen. -
Boston Tea Party
Summary; 1773 it was one of the key events leading up to the American Revolution. The Boston tea party was a protest by the American coloinst against the British government. They threw 342 chests of tea into the water. Importance; They put a tax on tea because so many people were drinking tea instead of water. Colonist thought it was crazy. -
Olive Branch Petition
Summary; Olive branch petiton was a major turning point in the process of American Revolution. The petitison may also be referred to the "The Second Petiton To The King" or "The Humble Petiton" Importance; In May of 1755, the second continental congress met tp discuss the ongoing problems between Great Britian and the colonies. -
Winter At Valley Forge
Summary; Valley forge was where the American continental army camp during the winter of 1777 - 1778. Valley forge is often called the brith place of the American Army. Geroge Washington chose to make the winter camp for several reasons. Importance; It was close to Philadelphia where the British were camping for the winter, He could keep an eye on the British and protect the people of Pennsylvanai. -
The Battle Of Yorktown
Summary; The battle of yorktown was the last great battle of the American Revolutionary war. Tthe british army surrenered and the british government began to consider a peace treaty. The south had been doing very well. Importance; Genereal Nathanael Greene had taken over command of the American continental Army in the south. -
Undergorund Railroad
Summary; The underground railroad was a term used for a network of people, homes, and hiedouts. The undergorund railroad wasn't really a railroad it was a name given to the way that poeple ecasped. Importance; No one is real sure where originally got its name, but the "underground' part of the name comes from its secrecy and the "railroad' part of the name comes from the way kit was used to transport poeple. -
Louisiana Purchase
Summary; The unitted states purchased a large area od land from the French. It was a single largest purchased of lamd ever by the United States and doubled the size of the country, The United Sates has been growing rapidly. Importance; Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy the settlement of New Orleans from the French. -
Texas War For Independence
Summary; The texas war of Independence was between the Republic of Texas and Mexico. When Mexico was freed from spain they wanted to settle in a mostly empty part of Nothern American. Importance; Andrew Jackson was the 7th American President who served in office from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837. One of the important events during his presidency was the Texas Revolution. -
Mexican American War
Summary; The Mexican - AMerican war was between the United States and Mexico. It was primarily over the territory of texas. The United States had its beginininngs with the struggle over who would control Texas. Improtance; Texas had been a state of the country of mexico since 1821 when Mexico gained its independence from spain. -
Calfornia Gold Rush
Summary; The California gold rush took place between 1848 and 1855 during this time gold was doscovered in California. Over 300,000 people rushed to California to find gold and "strike it rich". Gold was first discovered by James Marshall. Importance; Gold was first discovered in California by James Marshall at sutter's Mill near the city of Coloma. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Summary; Fugitive Slave act of 1850 was a law passed by the congress. Slaves who escaped from the south and bring them back to the their owner. It made runaways slaves free to Canada for safety from being captured. Importance; Slaves didn't like being treated like a piece of nothing. The slaves wanted to be set free and be treated nice. -
Compromise Of 1850
Summary; California could not become a state unless congress approved. California would be free and they would gte rid of the slave trade in washington D.C. Importance; Another stopgap measure along of the lines of missiouri compromise. -
Civil War
Summary; The civil war fought between southern and northerns states of the united states. The southern states didn't want to be apart of the united states anymore and decided to make their won country. Importance; The union army of 2,100,000 soldiers were nearly twice the size of the Confederate Amry of 1,064,000 . -
Assassination Of Lincoln
Summary; President Abraham Lincoln was shot on April 4th, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. The first President of the united states to be assassinated. President Lincoln was attending a play called "American Cousin" at the ford theatre washington D.C. Importance; When the play reached a point where there was a big joke and the audience laughed loudly, John Wilkens Booth entered President Lincoln's box and shot him in the back of the head. -
Coroado Exlpores the Grand Canyon
Summary; Southerner u.s. looking 7 citites of fibula (gold) never found. Importance: Coroandora expolred from 1540 to 1542 which was a time period for only two years. -
Emancipation Prodamation
Summary; Only about 50,000 of the 4 million slaves were immediately set free. The Emncipation Prodamation dod eventually set millions of slaves free. It was clear that in the near future that slaves should and would be free. Importance; The Emancipation also allowed Black men to fight in the Union Army. Around 200,000 black soliders fought on the side of the Union Army helping the North win the war.