The story of us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    Sumary: The crusades caused europeanto question things that had always been held true. Importance: It was a fight for religions all arpound the world.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Summary: Between 1347 and 1351 the black plauge swept westward across eroupe killing millions of people. It impacted us by killing millions of people. Importance: We discovered a new thing
  • Jan 1, 1492

    The voyage of Columbus

    The voyage of Columbus
    Summary: In 1492 Christopher Columbus thought that he could sail west to east to India. The king and queen from spain gave him the money. He had three ships the Nina, Pinta, and Sante maria. He made four trips Importance: found new land
  • Jul 17, 1505

    Martin luther become a monk

    Summary:He was caught in a storm and was almost hit by lightning so he prayed to saint anna if he lived he would become a monk Importance:Later on he opened a new curch
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce De leon explores florida

    Ponce De leon explores florida
    Summary: In spain 1513, He was the first conquistador to explore modern day US. He was looking for the fountin of youth but he nevr found it. Importance: found modern day US.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Posting of the 95 theses

    Summary: Martin Luther posted up the 95 theses and the king gave him time to change what he did and appolgize. He didn't and he was excommmunicated from the chruch. He started his own church. Importance: he made his own church
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martin Luther ecommunicated

    Summary: After her posted the 95 theses he was excommunicated from the church. So he went and made hsi own church. Importance: We had more than one church
  • Jan 1, 1524

    VAsco De Gama

    Summary: He was a Portugal explorer. He was also the first euroupean to sail from eroupe to India around africa. They wanted India's spices importance: Tey got spices
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Hernando De sota explores Mississippi river

    Summary; He was the first european to see the MIssissippi River. He was asked to explore the the southern part of the US, While exploreing he was looking for gold. He went with 620 men and 220 Horses. It took him one month to build crafts to travil. Importance: He explored the southern part of the US
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Carnado explores the Grand Canyon

    Summary: In spain in 1540 he was the first euroupean to see the Grand Canyon. He was looking for the 7 cities of Cibula (gold) but he never found it. Importance: He founf the Grand Canyon
  • Massahusetts Bay est.

    Massahusetts Bay est.
    Summary: New england bought fish, shipbuilding, lumber, and whailing. They exported corn, fish,and lumber. They grow food and get seafood, cranberries, and livestock.
  • Conneticut Establishment

    Summary: Farming was hard. They only farmed enough for themself and their famliy.They grew wheat amd corn. The money maker was fish. Imporance: They have a diiferent life style.
  • The Salem witch trial

    The Salem witch trial
    Summary: Salem village was part of the Paritian comm. It began in home of rev Paris. Tituba told stories to her daughter. Her girls began acting crazing. The people were scared of the "witchcraft". The PUritins were afraid of the devil. They thought they were demons. Importance: started rumors.
  • French and Indian war

    Summary: This fight was betweeen the French and the Indians over the Ohio river River Valley. The french were nice to the Indians. In England Gorege Washington was sent to Negotiote with the french. He accidently killed a french ambassador. This starts the war. Importance: This starts the war.
  • Treaty of paris

    Summary: This ended the french war. The British gained control. They gained control by making a peace treaty. Important: The war was over
  • Sugar act

    Summary: This was a tax placed on sugarand molasses. Importance: people were mad.
  • Stamp act

    Summary: Its a tax placed on paper materials. The colonists were angry. This was in 1765. Impotance: The colonisnts were mad.
  • Tea Act

    Summary: This was a tax on tea. The collonists poured tea into the Habor, they also started a roit.
  • Winter at valley Forge

    Summarry: Many people died from frost bite. They found the first ever cure. They cut off the frost bitten part. They had little supplies. They also lived in a small tent. only one person could fit in one. Importance: First cure was discovered.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Summary: The Bristish surrendered because they were surrounded. So they were forced to surrender. Later on they made a peace treaty Importance: The British surrendered
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Summary: This law was passed by the US . If runaway slaves were found they had to be returned Impotance: unfaire law
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Summary: It was 828,000 square miles
  • Underground Railroad

    Summary: This route was made to free slaves. The person behinde it was Harriet Tubman. Importance: she freed many slaves
  • War of 1812

    Summary: The U.S. troops engaged, there were 286,730 soldiers. And of those 2,260 american soldiers died. The war was declared on june, 18 1812
  • Indian Removel act of 1830

    Summary: Many native Americans indians from southern states were removed. This affected many of the tribs That lived around there. Importance: It really eeffected the indians
  • Trail of tears

    Summary: The Cherokee nation was forced to give up their land. They moved to present day Oalklahoma, but they relocated many times. Impotance: They were kicked out of their land.
  • Oregon Trails

    Summary: This was a major route and was used by a lot of people. it was 2,000 miles long, and it went through six different states. They traveled on rough terrain
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Summary: This was drafted by Henry Clay. He tried to fix things between the north and the south. Importance: Tried to fix things.
  • Assassination Of LIncoln

    Summary: He was shot by John Wilkes At Ford theather. John fled from the crime. Lincoln died the next morning Importance : Lincoln died
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Summary: 500,000 of the 4 mil. slaves were set free. Then some came back and fought in the war IMportance: Slaves were freed
  • French Victory General Braddok Killed

    Summary: British owened french won it. There were three water ways. The french renmaed it FT. Pitt. Importance: They won