the story of us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    summary,The cusades were religious wars fought betweencatnoilca and muslims.they were fought over the holy land importance,It influenced education, customs, morals, and routines of nearly everyone in Europe, and from time to time
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Back Death

    Back Death
    summary,The black death was a plague that killed 25 million people 1/3 of the european population importance,The population drop resulted in a higher value being placed on labour
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Voygage of Columbas

    Voygage of Columbas
    Summary,Christopher Columbas thougght he could sail west to east to Inia.King and Qunne from Spain gave him the money for the ships(Nina,Pinta,Sante natia) importance,he found American
  • Jan 1, 1505

    Martin Luther Monk

    Martin Luther  Monk
    summary,Martin Luther started to go agenis the teaching of the church and became a monk importance He stop going to the chruch and made his own
  • Apr 30, 1513

    Ponce DeLean explores flonida

    Summary,In 1493, Ponce de León sailed with Christopher Columbus on Columbus' second voyage to the Americas. He and his family settled on an island in the Caribbean named Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He became a military commander at this post and was appointed deputy governor. importnce,n Ponce de León was the first Spanish explorer to arrive in Florida
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Postng Of The 95 Theses

    Postng Of The 95 Theses
    summary,This is the start or the prostesat reformation.luther made his onwn church know as lutherism importance,He made people stop going to the cathoic church
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Vasca Degama

    Vasca Degama
    Summary,Portogal explorer 1st eurpoan to sail Europe to India around Arrica importance,During this time it was extremely important to the people of Portugal to find a sea route to India.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Anglican Church

    Anglican Church
    summary,King henry viii made a Catholic country and made it a Protestant one importance It was important because it united the common English settlers in a strange new world.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Heranred Deosta explores the mississsipppi river

    Summary,Asked to expolre the Siparts or U.S searunita for gold 620 men and 220 horses importance,ernando de Soto led the first major European expedition into the interior of the southeastern North America, an area
  • Apr 30, 1540

    Coronado Exeres the Grand Canon

    Coronado Exeres the Grand Canon
    Summary,he was looking for the 7 city of god but found the Grand Canon importance,he fuond the Grand Canon
  • Massachycetts Bay Est

    Massachycetts Bay Est
    Summary,New england imported fish,ship,boilding ,lumber ,wnaling and they exported corn,fish,lomber,seafood ,cranbrries importance, A group of Puritans, led by John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley, persuaded King James to grant them an area of land between the Massachusetts Bay and Charles River in North America.
  • Connecticot Establishment

    summary,farming was hard only farmed enough for faminles fish soll was bad importance,he original 13 colonies were divided into three geographic areas consisting of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Summary,Salem village-poritan community began on home of Rev Parris tituda telling story to his sister importance,If we let evil people get control, then even the most innocent will suffer, because the evil doers will torment, harass and punish harmless innocents to deflect the public focus away from their own acts -- and make the public too terrified to protest, because they know that if they do, they will be accused, put on trial, and found 'guilty' themselves.
  • French and indian war

    French and indian war
    Summary,Fight between france and england over the ohio river valley.The french were nice to the indians and England was not. importance,The Ohio Valley was important because it provided fur traders access to cities and ports on the East Coast.
  • French victory

    French victory
    Summary,British owned 3 warter ways and the french won them and renamed it Fort Fittt importance,Braddock was a general in the tradition of British generals,
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    Summary,secredurganizations formed in American coloniesin protest aganist the stamp act importance,he sons of liberty opposed to the Stamp Act, they also were involved in causing rebellion during the Town shed Acts and the Tea Act
  • Boston Massaure

    Boston Massaure
    Summary,A riotnin Boston arising from the resenoment of Boston culonists toward British troops quantend in city in which the troops fired on the mob killed severapersons. importance,It helped to fill an unenviable narrative for the British.
  • Boston Massaure

    Boston Massaure
    summary,A riot in boston arising from the resenotment of boston colonists to ward british trops quartend in city in which the troops fired the mob killed several people importance It helped to fill an unenviable narrative for the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    summary,Americans werw mad about the taxs on tea so they borared 3 Britsin ship (Dartmoutn,Eleanor,Beaver) and dumped 34 whole cartes of tea. importance,The Boston Tea Party is also important because of both the British and American responses to the actions that followed the tea party
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Summary Parliament entced thent to orded local govermment of the american colonies tomproned the Britsh soldiers win any need accomdation or nousing Importance, It meant that you had to let british troops stay on your property if they asked. The colonists didn't want to have to house the troops of a government they didn't like. The british wanted their men to be able to sleep and eat somewhere without having to build barracks and waste their money. The result was the revolution. Well by means
  • Secand contionectal congress

    Secand contionectal congress
    summery,The Secand contionectal congresswas a convention of delegates from the 13 colonies importance It succeeded the First Continental Congress,
  • Battles of lexington conord

    Battles of lexington conord
    summary,British armed force of about 700 men marched from to destray American military weapons importance,The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War
  • Valley Forgan

    Valley Forgan
    Summary,A valley in eastern dennsylvania that served as a uarterns for the American army in one winter importance Valley Forge in Pennsylvania was the site of the military camp of the American Continental Army
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    summary,It was a network of secred routs and safe houses that help slave escape to freedom importance,It help free slaves
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    summary,the expedition was commissioned by president thomas jefferson shorty affter the lousisana purchase importance the most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration.
  • War Of 1812

    War Of 1812
    summary,A war between britation and the united states fought between 1812and1815 importance The obscurity of this war, however, should not blind us to its significance, for it was an important turning point, a great watershed, in the history of the young republic.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    summary,the route along which the united states government frorced tribes of native americans. importance The Trail of Tears was one of the many barbaric attempts by the Whites to remove the Native Americans from their homelands by force.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    summary,A war fought between the united states and mexico importance The most important ones were the US annexation of Texas and the Americans' desire for California and other Mexican territories.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    summary A group of american pioneers who e=sed out for califromia in a wagon train inthe winter importance Donner Party” became synonymous with one of humanity’s most ingrained taboos.
  • compramise of 1850

    compramise of 1850
    summary Senatoer henry clay introduced a cseries of resolotions in an attempt to seek a compromse and avert a crisis beweetn narth an south importance,It made the north and south stop fingting
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    summary,This law made it tougher on slaves who ran away and demanded stricter punishment for those helping slaves run away. importance,ncreasing penalties against fugitive slaves and the people who aided them.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    summary,lincolnissoes the proclamticn it was at technical decmet granting freedom to all slaves in all reas of the confederacy still rebllion. importace.The Emancipation Proclamation led the way to total abolition of slavery in the United States.
  • Assassination Of Lincoln

    Assassination Of Lincoln
    SUMMARY John wilkes booth a confederate sympathizar fatally shoot presidend lincln at a play at fordtheatur importance,It made people come together