Jan 1, 1095
The Crusades were miltary campaigns sanctioned by the latin Roman catholic church during the High Middle Ages.In 1095,Pope urban 11 Procaimed the First crusade with the stated goal of restoring christan access to holy place in and near Jerusalem. -
Jan 1, 1340
Black Death
The people say a Great Pestilence that was carrie across trade routes of near and Far east .In the 1340's the disease had struch China.In ,Persia, Syria and Eqypt Beginning of them alady, certain swellings, either on the grain or underarmpits,waxed to the bigness of a common apple ,others the size of a egg.People who were very healthy went to bed at not would be dead in the morning. -
Jan 1, 1451
Dias voyage
Dias was a student of Prince Henrys school. He blieved he could reach india by sailing around africa.In 1487 he led expedition to reach india by sailing around afica. They only made it to the tip/top of Afica. This is important because he found a fast route and the first route to get to Afica. -
Jan 1, 1474
Ponce de leon exploes Florida
JNuan Ponce de leon-1513- 1st conquistador to explore moderen day us. He also explored the south and central Florida. This is important because what would have happened if he never found our land. -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Voage
1492, Christopher Columbus (Italy) Believed you could sail west to reach the east. King ferdinand and Queen Isabell (Spain) gave supplies and money. Three ships-Nina,Pinta, and Santa Maria. This is important because he found a route shorter. -
Jan 1, 1505
luther becomes a monk
It was a terrible starmthat Luther decided he would become a monk.He did not change his mind when his friends and futher tried to convince him to continue with law school. In lifee of monk at that time was hard. This took a lot of hard work -
Jan 1, 1517
95 Theses
Luther's 95 theses, which propounded two central beliefs-that the bible is the central religous authority and that humans may each salvation only by faith and not by their deads-was to spark the Protestant Reformation.The catholic church was never divided. But the theses changed some things. -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortez defeat of Aztecs
In 1518 Hernan Cortez went to meico to find gold. Moctezuma thought corez was Queteacoat. This destroyed the Aztec empire . He brought the disease to the Aztecs and destroyed the antire empire. This is important because he lreaned about the Aaztec culture when they thought he was Quetealcoat. -
Jan 1, 1537
King Henry gets a son
King Henry married Jane seymour.Jane had a boy named Eduard,but Jane died during child birth.But King Henry was still happy Jane gave him a son . He wanted a long time for this day to come.Anywayt he married his 4th wife Anne. Then he divorces her. -
On May 14,1607, groupof roughly 100 members of a joint venture called the virgina company founded the permanent English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River. James expanded from the area around the original James Fort. -
Separatists separate from the Anglican church. In 1620they sailed to america on the mayflower with 120 people.The ship landed on the shoresof cape codin present day Massachusetts native american tribes and build a largely self-sfficient economy within 5 years. -
Rhode Island
Rhode island measuring only about 48 miles long and 37 miles wide.Rhode island was founded by Roger williamin 1636.Newport was a big trading place ,also for shiping. -
King Philip's War
King Philips War 1675-1676 marked the last major effortby the Native Americans of southern New England.King Philip led a bloody up rising of wampanoag.The fighting lasted fourteen months and destroyed twelve towns. -
French and Indian
This is also known as the seven year war.This war was between Britan and France.A series of battles led to the offical British declaration of war in 1756.British turned the tide with victories at Louisbrug.The British recevend the territories of Canada and others. -
Sugar Act
On April 5 , 1764 Parliament passed a modified version of the sugar and molasses act . This made all merchants required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon on foregin molasses . The colonist found ways to molasses with no taxes from others. -
Quartering Act
On this in 1765, Parliament Passes the quartering Act, outlining the locations and conditions in whitch British soldiers are to find room and board in the American colonies: solders were able to go in any house and stay. -
Stamp Act
Frist internal tax levied direcly on American colonists by the British goverment. The act which imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies. The British empire was deep in debt from the seven years war. Parliament replaced the stamp act in 1766. -
Tea Act
The Tea Act of 1773 one of the Act they gave to coloistis. British goverment in thedecade leading up to the American Revolutioniary War(1775-83.)The was for to rasie revenue from the colonists. -
Boston Tea Party
his was act of American colony protest against taxation. British paliament imported duties with the Tea Act in 1773. All the places around started to reject all Britsh tea. This is good because could you imagen if they still had a tax? -
2nd Continental Congress
The secontal congress was a convention of delegates from [thirteen colonies that sarted meeting in the summer of 1775, in Phildelphia,Pennsylvania, soon after warfare in the american revolution war have begun. -
Battle of Lexington Concord
The battle was on April 19,1775, this started the American revolutionary war 1775-83.Britsh troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize and arms cache. Paul Revere and other riders sounded off the fighting. -
Battle of Saratoga
The two battles of saratoga were a turing point in the American Revolution.British gen. John achieved a small, but victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict. American then won the last war. -
Winter at Valy Forge
British troops hd marched with pride into Philadelphia. Philadelphia was the largest city in the colonies and the seat of polical power. When british came the continental congress had flee to west. -
Battle of York Town
Gerneral Geroge Washington, tells a force of 17000 French and continentaltroops,begains the Siege known as the Battle of York Town against British General lord Charles cornwallis and a contingent of 9000 British troops at Yorktown. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase Jeffersons plans for the nation to depend on western acces to all markets for American farm products.Hower France blocked American acess to the important port of new Orleans on the Mississipi River. -
War of 1812
In the war of 1812, the United states took on the greatest naval power in the world. The United States took on the Great Britan. The British tried to stop our trade . This made American history because Americans show we never give up. -
Oregon Trail
Starting in the 1830's, many groups of pioneers travelled to the state on the famous Oregon Trail, and the US,began joint settle ment of the area with the United Kingdom. In 1846 the border with the U.S and Britan was established. -
Trail of Tears
At the beginning of the 1830's,nearly125,000 native Americans lived on millions of acres of land in Geogia,Tennessee, Alabama,North carolina and Florida-land their ancestors had occuped and cultivatedfor generations. -
Donner Party
A group of nearly 90 emigrants left Springfield,illinoios and headed west. Led by brothers Jacob and Geoge Donner, the group attemped to take a new and supposedly shorter route to California. Only half of the group made it to California -
De Soto explores Grand Canyon
In Coronado-1540-explored the south western US;he was looking for the seven cities of cibola (gold) ; belived to be the 1st European to see the Grand Canyon. Sotoalso believed to be the 1st to see the Mississip\pi River. This is important because what if nobody would of ever found the Canyon. -
Fugitive Slave Law
An citizens were required to help return runaway slave. Aiding a fugitive would reslut in 1000 fine and/or 6 months in jail.Judges receive $10 for each fugitive slave that was returned only $5 to allow them to stay in the North. -
Underground Railroad
It was not railroad & it was not underground. It was a network of people & place that heled people escape to freedom.The sather south a slave was located the harder iyt was to escape. There were many dangers involed in attempting to escape. -
Battle of Shiloh
The Battle was very big. This happened on April 6th in Tennessee. 24000people were killed during this battle. Grant showed great militay potential. -
Battle of Gettysbury
This battle was on July 1stin Pennsylvania.Gen, Robert E. Lee led offensive attack. The 2nd day fighting Gen.ehamberlain (union); hill secured. The 3rd day fighting Gen. Pickett(confede-rate)attacked the rigde but but union forced confederate to retreat turning point. -
Gettybury Address
This day was on November 19,1863,Given at the dedication of Gettysburg cemetery,Freed slaves in the rebel states.(All black regiment) called up led by Robert shaw.Confedrates to declare loyalty to union.