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The Story of Shakespeare's Life and the Monarchs

By jjeun3
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth I was born, her parents were Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn .

    Elizabeth I was born, her parents were Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn .
  • 1536

    Elizabeth I's mom is beheaded because she is accused of adultery.

    Elizabeth I's mom is beheaded because she is accused of adultery.
  • 1554

    Elizabeth I is imprsioned in the Tower of London because of her rebellious plans to marry Prince Phillip of Spain.

    Elizabeth I is imprsioned in the Tower of London because of her rebellious plans to marry Prince Phillip of Spain.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes queen.

    Elizabeth I becomes queen.
  • 1559

    Elizabeth I restores England to Protestantism

    Elizabeth I restores England to Protestantism
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare was born in Stratford- upon Avon.

    Shakespeare was born in Stratford- upon Avon.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    He was baptized

    He was baptized
  • 1566

    Elizabeth I refuses to marry

    Elizabeth I refuses to marry
  • 1582

    Shaekspeare marries Anne Hathaway

    Shaekspeare marries Anne Hathaway
  • 1582

    They had their first child Suzanna, 6 months later

    They had their first child Suzanna, 6 months later
  • Elizabeth I helps theater flourish during her reign

    Elizabeth I helps theater flourish during her reign
  • Shakespeare has twins Hamnet and Judtih

    Shakespeare has twins Hamnet and Judtih
  • Plague closes theater

    Plague closes theater
  • Hamnet is dead.

    Hamnet is dead.
  • The First Globe opened and it was huge success

    The First Globe opened and it was huge success
  • King James I comes into power

    King James I comes into power
  • Shakespeare returns to Stratford.

    Shakespeare returns to Stratford.
  • Shakespeare dies and is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.

    Shakespeare dies and is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.
  • King Charles I is born

    King Charles I is born
  • King James I dies

    King James I dies