The Story of my Life

  • Birth

    This was the day that I was born. My story begins here at the very beginning. I have two parents, two brothers, and two sisters.
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    Nate's Life

  • Discovering Experiences

    Discovering Experiences
    I start to find my experiences within this world. I learn that I can hook up a game console to the TV without assistance, I have perfect pitch, and can play the drum set. My mind starts to develop from here.
  • "Brother's" Birth

    "Brother's" Birth
    My "brother" (who is actually my nephew), named Salem, was born four days after the twin towers were attacked. I call him my brother because we hang out a lot, even though he was born from my sister. I started off really hating him because of all the mischief he did to me, and some of that hatred still is carried on up to today.
  • First Day in Cub Scouts

    First Day in Cub Scouts
    Flyers were being handed out in my classroom about joining Cub Scouts, and after school, my parents read over the flyer and signed me up for the program. At first, I wasn't very excited because I didn't know what I was getting into, but when I started to join the den meetings, I started to like this idea. Along the way, I started to meet some new friends and learned new skills that I still use to this day.
  • Making a Best Friend

    Making a Best Friend
    During third grade, I made a best friend name Skyler. We would hang out and play during recess either on the swings or on the ground. We really were having fun while it lasted.
  • Starting my Music Hobby

    Starting my Music Hobby
    I started off with my music interests at my elementary school's orchestra. Even though I wanted to do band, I was only in the fourth grade and to be in the elementary band, I had to be in the fifth grade. So I decided on starting at the orchestra with the bass so I can get acquainted with reading the music and playing a note.
  • Beginning Band

    Beginning Band
    When I went into the fifth grade, the first thing I wanted to do was join my elementary school band. My instruments of interests before joining the band were the alto saxophone and percussion. However, I couldn't blow anything out of the saxophone at the time and percussion wasn't available to try out that day. Because I was so impatient, I decided to try out the clarinet, and from there, I would only get better at playing it.
  • Becoming a Boy Scout

    Becoming a Boy Scout
    This was my first day in Boy Scouts. I just crossed over into my troop, and for my first day, I had a lot of fun. This enthusiasm would only last until near my eighteenth birthday.
  • Marching Band

    Marching Band
    During Freshman year, I joined the marching band to see what I thought of it. Through that experience, I thought about trying out for drum line, but my band director, Mr. Vogel, didn't want me to change instruments within the marching band. A year later, I couldn't handle with Mr. Vogel and the Marching Band anymore and decided to quit.
  • My Eighteenth Birthday

    My Eighteenth Birthday
    My eighteenth birthday was coming up, and my Boy Scout troop was falling apart. My family was a target from my scoutmaster, Mr. Richardson, who was a complete bully to my "brother" and even my mother. I almost didn't get my eagle rank because of an excuse Mr. Richardson made. Luckily for me, I was able to make it to my eighteenth birthday with my eagle rank and three eagle palms.