
The Story of my Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born the 5th of september of 1995.
    My father held me.
    My mother wanted to hug me.
    They were so happy of me.
  • My Baptism

    My Baptism
    I was like 2 years old and chubby.
    I looked glad.
  • The arrival of my sister, Mitzy

    The arrival of my sister, Mitzy
    My sister arrived to my family.
    My grandmother gave me my sister.
    I was so happy of her.
  • The arrival of my little brother, Rafael

    The arrival of my little brother, Rafael
    A new member of our family arrived.
    We were so proud of him.
    We wanted to hold him in our arms.
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
    My sister blew the candle before me.
    She stole my wish.
    I wanted to be happy with my family forever.
    That was my wish.
  • My 1st Communion

    My 1st Communion
    I looked so calm.
    I was so sad.
    I broke my candle.
    I didn´t let my candle fall.
  • My Graduation

    My Graduation
    I graduated in 2013.
    I thought about being a great person.
    I was anxious to enter to college.
    I wanted to make new friends.
  • My Family

    My Family
    We take this photo for our house.
    I felt nostalgic when i see it.
    Many important things have happened.
    They changed our lifes.
    We were so happy to be together.