The greatest day the day which my parents were blessed with me -
The day that my teachers were blessed with a wonderful child -
The day I started going to elementary school -
This is the first day I learned how to ride a horse -
1st grade
The day I walked into my first day of 1st grade -
The day I met my dog
The first day I met my first dog -
2nd Grade
The first day I went to 2nd grade -
Horse show
Th day that I brought my horses to school -
the day I started taking swim lessons -
The time I started taking volleyball lessons -
3rd Grade
Th first day of 3rd grade -
The tim my dad bought our first Ranger -
4th Grade
Th day I started 4th grade -
5th Grade
The day I first walked into 5th grade -
four wheeler adventures
Th very first time I almost sunk the four wheeler in a river