The story of my life

  • Birth

    I was born in La Dorada, at the hospital San felix by natural birth. the name of my mom is Luz Angela, the mane of my dad is Luis Angel, they were born in La Dorada, Caldas.
  • First day at school

    My first day at school was the year 2003,the name of the school was Gabriela Mistral, it was an entertaining day.
  • Period: to

    Primary School

    I did from first to second grade of primary school Gabriel Mistral
  • Primary School

    In 2007 they changed me to a school called Divino Niño Jesus
  • Period: to

    Primary School

    In that school I finished my primary school, in 2009 I graduated from fifth grade
  • Secundary School

    In the year 2010 I started the secondary school, I did it in San Francisco de Asis School.
  • Secundary School

    In that school I finished my studies, in 2014 I did my baccalaureate.
  • Best Friend

    In 2014 I met my best friend, we were in the same school.
  • Trip

    In 2014 we made a trip to Santa Marta, during 8 days, through the skating club that belongs my little sister.
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    High School

    in the year 2015 I graduated from high school.
  • Technical

    when I graduated from high school, in 2016 I made a technician in environmental management with sena, for a year.
  • work

    I worked for 6 months in the nursery located in Puerto Salgar, there I did the technician's practices.
  • Period: to


    at the beginning of the year 2017 I was not doing anything, neither studying nor working, I was only at home doing chores and that was the case for six months.
  • Grandmother

    unfortunately in December of the year 2016 my grandmother passed away.
  • postulation

    in June of 2017 I decided to enroll in some sena training. This process lasts around 20 days to a month.
  • Leticia

    I made a trip to leticia, amazonas in the month of novembbre of 2017, by means of the sena to belong to the seedbed GeAgro, this trip lasted three and a half days was a unique experience.
  • Napoles

    In December of 2017 I earned an incentive through welfare, it was a trip to the hacienda napoles, I went with several colleagues from my training.
  • SENA

    enter the sena on July 17, 2017, to the training of the technologist in livestock production, which I am still studying. the cattle issue was something very new for me, I did not have any knowledge about it but still risk it.
  • Happy Birthday

    Several of my classmates made me a surprise celebration for my 18th birthday.
  • Work

    Start working at the beginning of 2018 as secretary of an industrial workshop until today. the owner of the workshop is my dad