The story of me-Brendan Shade

  • I was born

    I was born
    This is when i started life.
  • Got a new house

    Got a new house
    I moved from my old house to my brand new one.
  • Started school

    Started school
    When i started to learn.
  • Got my first Computer

    Got my first Computer
    When i got my first computer to play games and watch movies on.
  • Started basketball

    Started basketball
    When i started one of my favorite sports i played.
  • Started baseball

    Started baseball
    My first favorite sport that I ever played.
  • Started middle school

    Started middle school
    Started going to middle school.
  • Went on vacation to Disney land

    Went on vacation to Disney land
    Went on vacation to Disneyland and had so much fun.
  • Got my new bike

    Got my new bike
    Got my new bike and took it on new trails in the woods.
  • Got my new 30 mph rc car

    Got my new 30 mph rc car
    Started to learn to drive RC cars and repair them.
  • Sprained my wrist

    Sprained my wrist
    First time i ever broken a bone or sprained my wrist.
  • Wide receiver in the NFL.

    Wide receiver in the NFL.
    In 20 years ill be a wide receiver in the nfl.