The Story of Me-Dustin Roth

  • Birth

    I was born at Saint Vincent on my mom's friend's due date
  • Walking

    I started walking at nine months which was really early for my age.
  • Vacation

    I went on vacation to Disney World for a week and a half
  • Kindergarten

    I started my first day of kindergarten.
  • Dog

    I rescued my dog from a ditch and she has the same birthday as me.
  • First Communion

    I had my first communion and got a lot of money.
  • Pittsburg Penguins

    I entered a raffle and won so I got a fully signed jersey and Malkin gave it to me.
  • Erie Playhouse

    I got into my first Erie Playhouse show.
  • Bestfriend

    I met my best friend Emma who i haven"t seen in 8 months.
  • Middle School

    I started my first day of middle school
  • Seventh Grade

    I had my first day of seventh grade