Funny pictures kitten thinks he has flair

The story of me

By ahurst
  • I was Born

    On this day I Anna Ling Hurst was born in Jia Yu a place in China located on the yangtzee river.
  • Period: to

    Time Line of Anna Hurst

  • Adoption day!

    Adoption day!
    This was the day my parents went to get me in Jai Yu China. A little village along the Yangtze River
  • MY first friend!

    MY first friend!
    This ios the day I met my first friend Emily Palermo. We met at Tuckaway farm and have been best friends ever since.
  • First day of Kindergarten!

    First day of Kindergarten!
    Today was my very first day of school! This day was a sad day where I had to leave my mommy
  • Bike

    This day I learned how to learn how to ride my bike!
  • Corn maze!

    Corn maze!
    This is the day I went to my first corn maze and I was terrified. I went to the pirate corn maze and was scared so bad of never making it out of the maze and that pirates would eat me alive!!!!!!!!
  • China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I went back to China to explore and see where I came from.
  • Arm

    This is when I broke my arms falling..or Jumping off a swingand landed wrong and broke my arm from the shock of the landing.
  • Circus

    This was the day I went to see Cir Dus Olay with my family. My dad suprised me with this in Disney world :)))))))
  • Went to hawii

    Went to hawii
    this day I went to hawii for the second time and went to kauaii and had the best time ever. I swam and snorkled and surfed and ziplined!!!
  • Wedding

    My favorite cousin got married to the best person ever! and I got to be in their wedding!!!
  • FB

    This is the day I amde my very own face book page for my singing. It's quite new and I love. So far I have around 8 or 9 videos and I love how people are inspired by my page..but what they may not know is that I was inspired by a friend of mine that has her own page for her photos so I decided I love singing so much to start and let poeple see what I can do :)
  • Last day of Freshman Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last day of Freshman Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the Last day of my first year at the high school!!! Now I'm going off to summer! Having a wonderfull time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Baltimore

    This summer I will visit my cousin in Baltimore by my self :)
  • First day in paris!!!

    First day in paris!!!
    This is the very first day of being in paris. During this time I'll spend a week in paris and london with the school!!!!!!!