
The Story of Keeley Bryan

  • The Birth of My Mother, Renee' Hudson Bryan

    The Birth of My Mother, Renee' Hudson Bryan
  • Birth of My Father, Jeff Bryan

    Birth of My Father, Jeff Bryan
  • The Wedding of Jeff and Renee' Bryan

  • I Was Born

    Im mean, I was born!
  • The Birth of My Brother, Corey Bryan

    The Birth of My Brother, Corey Bryan
    Not a great picture of Corey, but it gets the point across!
  • I Graduated High School

    I Graduated High School
    I graduated from George County High SchoolI in Lucedale, Mississippi.
  • I Graduated Community College

    I Graduated Community College
    In 2010 I Graduated from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
  • I was employed at ThyssenKrup Steel Mill

    I was employed at ThyssenKrup Steel Mill
    I was employed at ThyssenKrupp in order to pay for school.
  • Attended Mississippi State University

    Attended Mississippi State University
    For one full year I attended Mississippi State Univeristy but I did not graduate
  • I Became a follower of Jesus Christ

    My second birth! The start of a whole new life.
  • Transfered to the University of South Alabama

    Transfered to the University of South Alabama
    I changed majors and transfered to the Univerity of South Alabama and majored in history education.