Von Paris starts attending the University of Maryland.
She is accepted to the Robert H. Smith School of Business as a freshman. Originally, she wanted to go to a private school, but decided to go to Maryland at the last minute. -
The liquor license for the Thirsty Turtle is revoked.
Soon after, the Thirsty Turtle closes, prompting von Paris to make jerseys commemorating this bar, where she worked for about a year and a half. Although the first order of the jerseys was during midterms and it was "overwhelming," this led to the start of Route One Apparel, von Paris said. -
Route One Apparel has an event with music group LMFAO.
Route One Apparel has also had events with other celebrities. Von Paris uses her connections in the music scene to help promote her company. She says meeting famous people is a reason people join her street team. -
Route One Apparel is chosen as a top five finalist in the Cupid's Cup competition.
Route One Apparel ultimately finishes third. This competition took up a lot of time during her senior year, and it was tough to be a full-time student and participate in the competition, von Paris said. -
Von Paris graduates.
Von Paris graduates from the University of Maryland with a degree in finance and supply chain management. Since graduating, Route One Apparel has been her full-time job. -
Now Route One Apparel is von Paris' full-time job.
"The biggest concern right now is time," von Paris said. She is in charge of everything, like managing emails, packing packages and more.