Surprise Police Arrest of Participants
The prisoners are arrested and handcuffed after having agreed to be a part of the study. They’re driven to a police station in squad cars, fingerprinted, photographed and then thrown into a cell blindfolded to disorientate them. Later, Zimbardo’s associates brought them to Stanford’s Psychology Department building. -
Full-Scale Prisoner Rebellion
Zimbardo is suddenly woken up from his sleep in the office above the prison to analyze the rebellion caused by the prisoners, who have barricaded themselves in their cells and spewing verbal abuse at guards. Reinforcements are called for, and after some time, the prison cells are opened and the captured prisoners are stripped naked. The more troublesome of the group were thrown into “The Hole”; a solitary confinement room. -
First Prisoner Breakdown
Prisoner #8612 began suffering from acute emotional disturbance, disorganized thinking, uncontrollable crying, and rage. Due to an impending explosion they decide to release him. -
Scheduled Day for Research Feedback
The Prisoner Grievance Committee Meeting and Visitor's night were canceled due to rumor of a break-in by former prisoner 8612 in order "to liberate the prison." Also, in order to prevent bad behavior the guards create cell 3 as the "Good Prisoner Cell," with the three prisoners least involved in the riot the day before and the most generally obedient. These “good” prisoners got to have special privileges of eating slightly better meals, get their beds back, and shorter work routines. -
A New Prisoner Arrives
Prisoner #2093 joins the experiment and is nicknamed "Sarge" for his military style of obeying all of the orders. -
The Evening Erupts!
Mother of prisoner #1037 concerned about her son's mental state, his father thinks otherwise stating " He can take it. " His mother was right; #1037 went into a depressive state after today's parole hearing. Guards attempt to force #416 to eat his sausages, but to no avail. "Sarge" is commanded to call another prisoner "bastard", which he blatantly refuses to do so and made to do push-ups with two prisoners on his back - which he manages to do! Prisoner #416 thrown into the Hole for the night. -
Prisoner #819 did a Bad Thing!
Prisoner #819 is sobbing in his cell. Due to his actions of vandalism to property and having a defiant attitude towards guards, other prisoners received various punishments. After dinner, Zimbardo decides to release him early as he may show symptoms of psychological breakdown. Prisoner #819 refuses to leave, stating he must prove to fellow prisoners his conscious. -
Overwhelming Action by Prisoners
Due to new prisoner #5704 rebellious actions, the other prisoners receive degrading punishments. Prisoner #3045, who was quite obedient and silent for the time, suddenly snapped and went ballistic, uncontrollably crying and distressed. He then had to be released early. -
Zimbardo said the in the morning of the August 19, 1971," I have something important to tell you, so please listen carefully: The experiment is over. You are free to leave today." -
Official Closing
The final day was a series of encounter sessions, they did this in order to get everyone's feelings out in the open, to recount what they had observed in each other and themselves, and to share their experiences. At approximately 5 o’clock in the evening, the Stanford County Jail was pronounced officially closed forever.