The spread of English

  • Period: 1500 to

    The Caribbean

    The triangle trade started in the 16th century and then lasted until the 19th century. They sailed first to Britain then to west Africa then to the Caribbean. Goods like rum, molasses, slaves, weapons, liquor, silk, copper, metall, goods mead of glass and fine cloth, were traded between Brittain, west Africa and the Caribbean.
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    Queen Elizabeth the first went to India in the 1600 to trade different supplies like silk, cotton, spices, indigo dye, tea and opium. Because of the trading between the British and the Indian population, India started to learn how to speak more and more english.
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    Criminals were transported to Australia for committing serious crimes, The criminals were sent with 11 ships 1788. When the criminals came to Australia, Captain Cook took the British flag and put it up. The English men took children from their families because they thought they didn't take good care of them just because Australia was a country that lived most of the time and on what mother nature would give them.
  • Period: to


    Around 100.000 children were stolen from their families, the children that were stolen became known as the stolen generation.