The Spanish Civil War

By Diegob
  • The loyal zone and the Republican side

    The loyal zone and the Republican side
    The kept control of the industrial centres
  • The failure of the coup

    The failure of the coup
    More than half of the army’s officers joined the uprising, but others remained loyal to the Republic.
  • July 1936

    July 1936
    -July 17 the uprising starts in Morocco
    -July 18 Francisco Franco arrives in Morocco to take the control of the troops.
    -July 19 The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona
    -The African troops are airlifted
    -Objective Madrid
    -Nationalist victory in Toledo
    -The Battle for Madrid (November 1936)
    -The Northern front ( From March to October 1937)
  • 1936 The Nationalist side

    -At the beginning of the rebellion, a military council was in charge of the rising.
    -In September 1936, rebel leaders appointed General Franco supreme commander of the Nationalist forces.
    -On 18 November 1936, Germany and Italy recognised Franco’s government
  • Republican 1936

    • A social revolution ensued
    • Francisco Largo unify the Republic and lead the disorganized army
  • The failure of the Republican goverment

    The failure of the Republican goverment
    The Republican goverment gave weapons to workers
  • The rebel zone and the Nationalist side

    The rebel zone and the Nationalist side
    The called themselves the Nationalists and this zone remained in the hands of the army, which set un a military state
  • Non intervention policy

    Non intervention policy
    Great Britain and France didn’t support the Republic to appease with Hitler.
  • Support for the Nationalist

    Support for the Nationalist
    (1936-1939)Hitler brought in troops through Portugal and Spanish war gave Hitler the opportunity to test out men, tactics and weapons.
    Mussolini sent more men’s
  • Support for the Republic

    Support for the Republic
    The Soviet Union also ignored the non-intervention pact and was the main supplier of military aid to the Republic.
  • September 1936-March 1937

    September 1936-March 1937
    Nationlists gain a decisive victory in Bizcaia and a Republican offense in Aragon to slow down the Nationalists
  • Nationalists 1937

    Nationalists 1937
    The Falange Carlistas and Renovación Española into one party Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista.
  • Republican 1937

    The Barcelona may days brought about the fall of largo caballero
  • July 1937- November 1938

    July 1937- November 1938
    The Battle of Teruel (From December 1937 to February 1938
    The Battle of the Ebro ( From July to November 1938)
  • Republican 1938

    Republican 1938
    In October 1938 these hopes vanished when the international brigades were dismissed as a consequence of Stalin friendship with Germany
  • 1939

    Civil war within the Civil War a plot within the Republican Army causes the government in Valencia to fall.
    The end of the war. The Nationalists start a general offensive occupying Madrid
  • Nationalist 1939

    Nationalist 1939
    In March 1939 Franco government was recognised by France and Britain.