The Spanish Civil War

  • The failure of the coup

    A lot of army's officers joined the uprising, but the other part remained loyal to the Republic and they resisted in some key places.
    In the other hand some of them resistance from armed militias in places like Madrid and Barcelona.
  • The failure of the Republican government

    they didn't attempt the warnings and they give weapons to worker's organisations. Also they tried to negotiate with the rebels. When they accept the distribution of the weapons it was very late for a counterattack
  • The Rebel zone and the Nationalist side

    The Rebel zone and the Nationalist side
    The Rebels called themselves Nationalist, they had a third of the country that was the northern, central and the western areas including the cereal producing areas. This set up a military state.
  • The loyal zone and the Republican side

    The loyal zone and the Republican side
    They have the control of the industrial centres:Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Malaga. The government want to improvised and inexperienced army called the Milita. The Soviet advisors organised the Communist.
  • The international context of the Civil War

    Non intervention policy= France and Great Britain were trying to appease the threat of the German expansion and they dont want Hitler angry. In the other hand they were looking that Spain because of the Civil War was going to become Communist and they did not want that. The Non-Intervention Agreement was signed the 1 August by twenty seven countries.
  • Support for the Natinalists

    Support for the Natinalists
    Fascist Germany and Italy ignored the embargo and aid came quickly in the early days of the war.
    Hitler= The best operated unit in Spain was the Condor Legion and the Spanish war give an opportunity to hitler to make new weapons, tactics, more soldiers.
    Mussolini= Sent more men and presented Italian assistance.
  • Support for the Republic

    Support for the Republic
    The Soviet Union ignored the pact of the twenty seven countries and was the supplier military aid to the Republic.
    This was called the Operation X, they dont arrive until October 1936 due to the large distances and the presences of the boats off Germany and Italy. This operation became expensive and risks, Soviet participation was reduced steadily from July 1937.
    Comintern call a lot off volunteers to fight against the fascist and they were called the International Bridges.
  • Military developments in the Spanish Civil War

    The uprising:
    July 17: It starts in Morocco and the army of Africa is the most prepared.
    July 18: Francisco Franco declares a state of war and arrives in Morocco. Cordoba, Cadiz and Sevilla are controlled by the rebels.
    July 19: The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona.
  • The African troops and Objective Madrid

    Africa= Hitler and Mussolini said to Franco to make the military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla
    Objective Madrid= Franco leads the African troops and Mola the troops from the northern. In September they took Badajoz and arrive in Tajo Valley and Mola take Gipuzkoa.
  • Nationalist victory in toledo

    Franco's troops win in a symbolic victory against the Republicans.
  • The Battle for Madrid.

    Nationalist troops reach the capital. The government evacuate Madrid and they went to Valencia, the Republicans resist but the Nationalist besiege Madrid.
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    The Northern Front

    The Gernika bombing help the Nationalist to win the battle in Bizcaia.
    The Republican offensive in Aragon stopped the advanced of the Nationalist, Cantabria and Asturias were also taken.
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    The Battle of Teruel

    Nationalist win a strategic victory that allows to advance to the Mediterranean, Cataluña was insolated.
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    The Battle of the Ebro

    The Republicans want to reconnect their territory and Franco deploys all their forces to invade Cataluña, his troops enter in Barcelona on the 26 January, 1939. Madrid and Valencia where the strongest cities of the Republicans.
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    Civil War and the end of the War

    Juan Negrin the president of the government flees to France, because Franco only accepts an unconditional surrender.
    The Nationalist in 28 March they occupy Madrid and by 31 March they occupy all the Spanish territory.