Francisco franco troops barcelona spanish civil war

The Spanish Civil War

  • Period: to


  • Elections held for the Cortes

    They are won by the 'Popular Front'
  • Meeting of army officers in Madrid

    To discuss a military coup against the Popular Front government.
  • The government bans the Falange

    The government bans the Falange
    José Antonio Primo de Rivera, is arrested for illegal possession of weapons.
    The Falange was banned after members tried to assassinate Luis Jiménez Asúa, a Socialist member of the Cortes, on 10 March, and the trade union leader Francisco Largo Caballero on 14 March.
  • The uprising starts in Morocco

    The Army of Africa is the most prepared.Its supports for the rebels is decisive
  • Francisco Franco declares a state of war

  • The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona

    Morocco, Galicia, Navarre, Old Castile and Seville soon come under the control of the rebels
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Republican siege in the Alcázar.Franco´s troops win a symbolic victory
  • General Franco is formally invested as Caudillo

    General Franco is formally invested as Caudillo
  • Nationalist troops capture the town of Brunete, west of Madrid.

    Nationalist troops capture the town of Brunete, west of Madrid.
  • Start of Nationalist ground assault on Madrid

    Republicans resist
  • Period: to

    The Northern front

    +Victory in Bizcaia
    +Republicans offensive in Aragón
    +Minig zones of Cantabria and Asturias are also taken( seen in timeline)
  • Start of the Battle of Jarama

  • Period: to

    Battle of Guadalajara

  • Nationalists announce a blockade of Republican ports on the north

  • Bombing of the Basque capital of Guernica by German aeroplanes

  • Period: to

    'Events of May' in Barcelona

    Divisions between several Republican political groups (Communists, Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM), and anarchists) result in street fighting between supporters of the different factions.
  • Juan Negrín

    Juan Negrín
    He becomes Republican Prime Minister, replacing Francisco Largo Caballero. His new government contains more Communists.
  • Spanish Bishops collectively endorse Franco as the legitimate ruler of Spain

  • Period: to

    Battle of Brunete

    Republican offensive against Nationalist forces to the west of Madrid
  • Capture of the city of Gijon by Nationalist forces

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    Battle of Teruel

    Republican forces capture Teruel before being forced to retreat by a Nationalist counter-attack.The Republican zone is now cut in two and Cataluña is isolated
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    Battle of the Ebro

    Republican troops launch an offensive across the River Ebro. Despite initial success, the Republican army is eventually forced back across the river by Nationalist counter-attacks.Franco deploys mass forces to invade Cataluña.
  • Withdrawal of the International Brigade from the front

    Withdrawal of the International Brigade from the front
    The Republican Prime Minister Juan Negrín ordered the unconditional withdrawal of all foreign troops fighting in the International Brigades, in the hope that international pressure might then force the withdrawal of Italian and German troops fighting on behalf of the Nationalists. It didn't.
  • Civil war within the Civil War

    Francco only accepts an unconditional surrender.Juan Nagrín, the president of the government, flees to France
  • Franco´s troops enter in Barcelona

    Only Madrid, Valencia and a few other strongholds remain for the Republican forces
  • 'Law of Political Responsibilities' introduced by Franco

    The new law allowed penalties to be imposed on anyone who had supported the Republican government in the past or present. This could include people who had voted for them in February 1936.
  • Fall of Catalonia to Nationalist troops

    In the previous week, thousands of refugees had fled to France.
  • Madrid taken by Nationalist forces

    Occupy Madrid
  • Period: to

    The end of the war

  • They controll all Spanish territory

    The Republican forces surrender
  • Franco proclaims the victory and declares the war to be over