The Space Race

  • Jupiter-AM-18

    The first monkey to enter space and come back safely. It became the first monkey to return to Earth alive after traveling in space.
  • Sputnik 1

    The Soviet Union launched their first satalite named Sputnik1.
    That started the space race.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2, carrying the dog Laika for 7 days in orbit, is launched by the soviet union remains in orbit until April 13, 1958.
  • The Exploror 1

    The United States launched their first satalite named the exploror 1 because America wanted to"get the upper hand" on the space race.
  • Apollo 1

    The United states developed a space program called NASA
    to solve space problems so they can hav less problems.
  • Vostok 1

    The Soviet Union launched a spacecraft named Vostok 1. They launched the spacecraft becuase they needed to know whether a human could survive in space.
  • Mercury 1

    The purpose of the Mercury project was to put a man in orbit and to study being in space.
  • The Apollo Program

    The Apollo program was a mission to put a man on the moon and have him back on earth befoere the decade was out.
  • Surveyor 1

    Surveyor 1 is the first U.S. spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon. This was to test the landing before sending astronuats to the moon.
  • Apollo 11

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin make the first manned soft landing on the Moon using Apollo 11.