Period: to
space race
Launch of Sputnik 1
The Soveits launch Sputnik 1 the first artificial satellite in orbit. and this beach ball sized broadcasting satellite was a wake up call for the US. -
Spunik 2
This was a shocking flight for the US it showed that Russia carrying Lakia the dog also showing that humans could be in space. -
Explorer 1
Explorer 1 was the US's first launch into space, but it didnt it blew up. -
NASA was founded
The NASA was founded to help the US win the space race and they are responsible for most of the US launches on this timeline. -
Vostok 1
Vostock 1 was a small ship that carried Yuri Gagarin the first man to orbit around earth it was launch by Russia. -
Vostok 6
Another Russian Space craft this time with Valentina V. Tereshkova The first woman in Space .This event showed that Russia Is good at Launching rockets. -
Apollo 11 moon landing
Apollo 11 carying 3 crew men lands on the moon winning the Space Race for the US. -
Apollo 13
Apollo 13 ment to be the 3 US landing almost turns into a disaster when the tank explodes but they return safely this was the first rescue operation in space. -
Apollo 15 rover
NASA has another moon landing but this time they bring a rover the first rover on the moon. -
Apollo Soyuz
US and Russia finally dock and create Apollo Soyuz a test project by the two countries.