Monkey in space
The first monkey had gone into space, but died. This was significant because it was the first mammal to go into space. -
Sputnik 1 launched
Russia sent the first sucessful sattelite into space.This was signifigant because it is the first man made thing to enter space. -
Dog in space
The dog was sent into space by Russia. It was the first animal to orbit the Earth. It was significant because it survived going into space, and of course, it was the first animal to orbit the earth. -
First U.S. satellite successfully launched
This satellite orbited Earth once every 114.8 minutes after launch, or 12.54 orbits per day. It was significant because the U.S had done something that Russia had done. -
NASA is founded
The U.S. starts a program for space research. This was signifigant because the U.S. had people resaerching space full time, which gave them an advantage in the space race. -
First man to orbit the Earth
The Russians sent in Vostok. It then orbits Earth. This was significant because it was the first human to journey into outer space. -
First U.S. man in space
A man named Alan Shepard was the first U.S. man in space. This was significant because it was yet another success for America in the space race. -
First U.S. man to orbit the Earth
A man named John Glenn went into space and orbited Earth on the Friendship 7. This was significant because it lead to a sucess in the space race for America. -
First woman in space
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space. She was on the Vostok 6 mission, which orbited the earth for 3 days. This was significant because she was the first woman space traveler who hadn't been a test pilot. -
First space walk
3 Russian cosmonauts went into space for the first ever space walk. Their names were Vladimir Komarov,Boris Yegorov, and Konstantin Feoktisov. This was significant because it was the first ever walk in space, and it meant that Russia had yet again advanced in the space race. -
First U.S. space walk
Ed White made the U.S.'s first space walk during the Gemini 4 mission. This was significant because it was the first time any American had stepped out of a space ship while in space. -
Gemini 7
There was 206 orbits during the Gemini 7. Frank F. Borman ||, and James A. Lovell Jr. were both crew members on the Gemini 7. All of their objectives were achieved while in space. This was significant because they flew a spaceship. -
Apollo 8
When this mission was launched, they took high resolution pictures of their landing site. They then returned these pictures to earth. This was significant because it was a successful space mission. -
First man on the moon
Niel Armstrong was the first man on the moon. He landed on the moon in Apollo 11. This was significant because humans had actually walked on the moon. "One small step for man, one giant leap for man kind."