Making of america slavery

The South & Slavery 1790's - 1850's

  • First President

    George Washington Inagurated into office. America's "first" president.
  • Period: to

    Southern Cotton

    Exporting cotton from the South remained the dynamic force in the newly developing American economy between these years.
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  • Slave population

    slave population estimated to be 700,000 in this year
  • Original Six States

    Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, and Maryland.
  • Hamilton's Program: First National Bank

    Alexander Hamilton proposes a plan to help demolish national debt which included the development of the first National Bank of America
    *promoted home manufacturing alliance with Britain
  • Bill of Rights

    1st 10 amendments to the US Constitution ratified:
    2. Right to bear arms
    3. NO quatering troops w/o consent
    4. NO illegal search and seizure
    5. Not subjected to same offense twice (double jeopardy) or be deprived of life, liberty, or property
    6. Right to a speedy trial
    7. Right/Guarunteed trial by jury
    8. No cruel/unusual punishmen nor excessive bail
    9. Rights not confined to what is written
    10. Power not delegated by the US are reserved to states
  • Badda Bing, Badda "Cotton" Boom

    Badda Bing, Badda "Cotton" Boom
    Yale College's Eli Whitney & South Caronlina's Catherine Greene collaborate to invent to the Cotton Gin. This engine made it possible to clean 50 pounds a cotton a day.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The rebellion of poor farmers due to the high taxes in place ( they obviously did not want to pay these taxes, hence rebellion) Washington had to send troops to squash the rebellion.
    *power of the federal government enforced/recognized.
  • Jay Treaty

    A treaty with Britain & the United States that stated that the US would not trade with ports opened during war time that were closed during peace time & Britain will leave forts in Ohio River Valley (which they do not) and will allow US to trade with Asia
  • John Adams

    Presidency of John Adams begins
    Vice president T. Jefferson (Republican)
    * XYZ affair due to French attacks on American Ships & making unreasaonable demands - no money or war, but America's negative attitude toward France despite Jefferson's desires
  • Washington's Farwell Address

    1. Stay out of foreign affairs (neutrility)
    2. Strong Central government
  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    These Acts are passed throughout the duration of this year, making it illegal to publish anything against government or president
  • Period: to

    Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions

    gave states right to nullify if unconstitutional anit-Alien and Seditoin ACts
  • John Adams

    Presidency of John Adams ends
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Presidency administration begins. (1800-1808)
    Government peacfully shifts to a Democratic - Republican
  • Convention of 1800

    Hamilton negotiates with France
  • Louisiana Purchase

    $15 million from France, doubled size of America, Federlaist opposed because it established loose contructoin of the Constitution (Jefferson contradicts his own views)
  • New Jersey ends Slavery

    Slavery abolished in the State of New Jersey!
  • Period: to

    Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Jefferson send Lewis & Clark out to explore Louisiana territory, surveys, data & etc observed/recorded.
  • Steamboat Willy!

    Robert Fulton builds the first Steamboat!
    Industrial Revolution in America well underway
  • Babysteps!

    A bill to abolish the importation of slaves became law! babysteps towards Jefferson's claim that "total emancipation [of slaves] with consent of the masters" was in the near future for America.
  • James Madison

    Presidency of James Madison begins
  • Period: to

    Mississippi & Alabama population growth

    Mississippi: population doubled between these years (31,306 to 74,448)
    Alabama: population grew sixteenfold (9,046 to 144,317)
  • Cotton Production

    By this year, inland regions of Georgia and South Carolina were producing 60 million pounds a year. They exported most of it to England
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    William Harrison defeats Indian Tecumseh (if you don't remember who he is, he was the Indian who was rallying up Indians for the defense of western expansion)
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    -prosted trade, stop impressment, protect mercantilism
    -War Hawks (young republicans in congress) want Canada to Join
    -Federalist oppose war *actually a pointless war because Britain was making an exit of US ( or planning to)
  • Creeks Defeated

    Creek Indians defeated by Andrew Jackson and the Tennessee militia at Horseshoe Bend (thus beginning the forced removal of the Old Southwest Indian population from the reagion)
  • James Madison

    End of Presidency of James Madison
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    "Alabama Fever"

    This was one of the swifest migrations in American history in which white Southeners and their slaves flooded to the Old Southwest. (Georgia and the Mississippi & Alabama areas)
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    Missouri Crisis

    Questioned whether the southern institution of slavery expand with western migration
  • Missouri Compromise

    first showed northern opposition to expansion of slavery
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    Slave migration

    As expansion to the Southwest swelled, demand for slaves in newly settled regions gave way to a lucrative internal slave trade (Upper South slave owners sold slaves to Lower South)
    Approx 1 million slaves migrated involuntarily to the Lower South between these years.
  • Slavery Strictly South

    By this year, northern states had abolished slaveholdings
  • Six More States..

    By the end of 1821, and due to westward expansion primarily fuled by the search for new cotton lands, six more states were added to the United States: Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
  • John Quincy Adams

    Presidency of John Quincy Adams begins
  • John Quincy Adams

    End of Adams's Presidency
    6th president
  • Cotton Production rates

    720,000 bales of cotton produced
  • Indian Removal Act

    This act, signed into law by Andrew Jackson, was an aggressive legal way in removing all Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi River, west of Mississippi.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Provoked by South Carolina; slave states feared being permanently outvoted because they were slowly becoming a minority
  • Period: to

    "Flush Times"

    This was the name remembered for the second surge of western expansion.
  • Slavery in West Indies no more!

    British Government eliminate slavery in the West Indies sugar plantations.
  • Period: to

    President Van Buren

    the Presidency of Van Buren
  • Texas denied!

    Congress refuses to annex Texas, which also showed the south Northern opposition to slavery
  • Cherokee forced migration

    The Cherokee Indians forced migration along the Trail of Tears marked the ending of the forced removal of the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, & Seminoles) from their lands to reserved "Indian Territory"
  • Mexican American War

    battles of expansion which aslo showed south north's opposition to slavery
  • Cotton Production rates

    2.85 million bales of cotton produced
  • Slave Labor of 1850

    55% in Cotton
    15% in Domestic Work
    10% in Rice, Sugar, Hermp
    10% in Tobacco
    10% in Mining, Lumbering, Industry, & construction
  • Clay's compromise of 1850

    -california = Free State
    -Other areas - popular sovereignty
    Us Takes texas debts
    slave trade banned in washington
    fugitave slave law strengthened
  • & Then Three More...

    Three more states were added to the 12 states of the United States: Florida, Arkansas, & TEXAS<33 you know it's your favorite state(;
  • "King Cotton"

    Senator James Henry Hammond, former Govenor of South Carolina, delivers his "King Cotton" Speech to the U.S. Senate to boast the idea that US could rage war if the cotton trade ceased.
  • Cotton Production rates

    5 million bales of cotton produced
  • Slave population

    the slave population grew to be more than 4 million