Eli Whitney's Cotten Gin
The Cotton Gin changed the southern cotton economy drastically, making cotton cultivation faster and, conversly, more slaves to keep up the production. -
John Adams Wins Election
Eli Whitney Invents Interchangable Parts
Interchangable parts become an important part of Industrialization, allowing easier manufacture of firearms. -
Thomas Jefferson Wins Election
Thomas Jefferson Wins Election
Robert Fulton Invents the Steamboat
The steamboat allowed for easier transportation using the canals and rivers for its means. -
End of Legal Slave Importation into America
Even when the legality of slave importation ended, much smuggling still occured in the South and most slaves at the time were children of the current slaves. -
James Madison Wins Election
War of 1812 Began
James Madison Wins Election
James Monroe Wins Election
American Colonization Society Founded
Society that focused on returning African Americans back to Africa. -
James Monroe Wins Election
Republic of Liberia Founded
Founded as a place for former slaves. -
John Quincy Adams Wins Election
Eli Whitney Died
The famous Eli Whitney inventor died. -
Tariff of 1828 drafted
Andrew Jackson Wins Election
Tariff of 1832
Andrew Jackson Wins Election
Nullification Crisis of 1832
South Carolina declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional and unenforceable in South Carolina after February 1, 1833. Jackson threatened to use force if South Carolina did not repeal it's Nullification Ordinance. -
Government Ordered Destruction of Abolitionist Material
Ordered to stop anti-abolitionist movements and riots at a postal office. -
Samuel F. B. Morse Invents the Telegraph
Allowed for faster communication. -
Martin Van Buren Wins Election
The Carolina Sunk by British Force
William H. Harrison Wins Election
The Creole Taken by Slaves
Britain offered asylum to 130 Virginian slaves who rebelled and captured the Creole. -
Tariff of 1842
Drafted to protect Whig Party. -
John Tyler Takes Over Presidency
President Harrison suddenly died leaving Tyler to take over. -
Elias Howe Invents the Sowing Machine
Allowed for easier manufacture of clothing. -
James K. Polk Wins the Election of 1844
Texas Becomes a State
Texas is now the 28th state to join the Union. -
Polk Ordered 4,000 Men to the Rio Grande
The men are under General Zachary Tyler and were sent here in preperation for war against Mexico. -
War with Mexico is Declared
Reasoning: unpaid claims and Sidell's rejection of the purchasing of California. -
Walker Tariff of 1846
Reduced the rates of the Tariff of 1842 from 35% to 32%. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Gave Texas to America, along with the land stretching from Oregon to the Ocean, which included California for only the price of $15 million. -
Zachary Taylor Wins the Elecion of 1848
California Gold Rush
California was soon flooded by much more settlers than they can handle, and consequently tried to get protection by applying as a free state into the Union. -
California Tries to Apply as a Free State
Failed because the South did not want the free-slave balance to tip in free states' favor. -
Compromise of 1850
President Taylor Died
Vice President Millard Fillmore took the presidency in the meantime and signed a series of compromises, resulting in a Second Era of Good Feelings. -
Millard Fillmore Takes Over Presidency
Took over when President Taylor suddenly died. -
Isaac Singer Improves Sewing Machine
Franklin Pierce Won the Election of 1852
Spanish Officials Took the Black Warrior Ship
James Buchanan Wins Election
William Walker is Killed by the Nicaraguans
Abraham Lincoln Wins Election