Kepler discovers the orbit of planets are ellipses
Kepler discovered that the planets went on an elliptical path around the sun, as well as being based off of the five perfect polyhedrons. -
Galileo discovers Jupiter III a.k.a. Ganymede
Galileo discovers Jupiter IV a.k.a. Callisto
Huygens discovers Saturn VI a.k.a. Titan
Cassini discovers Saturn V a.k.a. Rhea
Sir Iaac Newton has apple fall off tree, thinks of how planets stay in orbit.
Isaac Newton found that all the planets have gravity, as compared to how big they are, and in doing so found that the sun keeps the planets in their orbits. -
Cassini discovers Saturn IV a.k.a. Tethys
Sir Edmond Halley finds Halleys comet timing.
Halleys comet may be the most famous comet, which calls to question, what is a comet?
A comet is called a dirty snowball sometimes. It is gas, rock, and ice burning up, leaving a visible trail behind it. A Meteroid is a meteor entering earth's atmosphere, leaving a trail. Asteroids are small matter, sometimes called mini planets, that rotate around the sun, largely seen as an asteroid belt. -
Herschel discovers Uranus
Herschel discovers Uranus, the outer gas giants are discovered after.
Only Saturn was found before the newer world astronomers. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune are the gas planets, all of which are made manly of gas, larger than the inner planets, and they have many moons in total. -
Herschel discovers Uranus VI a.k.a. Oberon
Herschel discovers Saturn II a.k.a. Enceladus
Herschel discovers Saturn 1 a.k.a. Mimas
Piazzi discovers dwarf planet Ceres
Galle and Verrier discover 8th planet Neptune
Lassell discovers Neptune I a.k.a. Triton
Bond discovers Saturn VII a.k.a. Hyperion
We don't know when the first four planets were discovered, but it is before this timeline goes back.
The main charactoristics of the inner four orbits of the sun is that they are all solid, have some kind of atmosphere, and they are smaller than the gas giants and the sun. -
Clyde Tombaugh finds Pluto
Pluto differes from the other outer planets, now because it isn't a planet, and it is made of solids, not like the other outer planets, which are made of gas. -
Huygens discovers Saturn LIII a.k.a. Aegaeon