
the soccer ball

  • The first soccer ball

    The first soccer ball
    They started to use animal skin as a soccer ball. Manly they would use pigs and other animals bladder.
  • vulcanized rubber

    vulcanized rubber
    The material of the soccer ball was discovered by Charles Goodyear.
  • Period: to

    The evolution of the soccer ball

  • vulcanized rubber

    vulcanized rubber
    The first soccer ball made of vulcanized rubber.
  • codified and organized

    codified and organized
    The British found the sport a football association. This was use to create rules between the professional and amateur leagues.
  • five-ply hemp

    five-ply hemp
    By this time they where made of stronger leather to withstand heavier pressure. This also made it bounce more but made it harder to head the ball.
  • Adidas Etrusco Unico

    Adidas Etrusco Unico
    Adidas Etrusco Unico was the official ball in the 1900 world cup in Italy. Also in so many other different events like the Copa America and the FIFA Women's world cup.
  • The decision that decide it

    The decision that decide it
    They couldn't decide which ball to use in the first world cup. So they decided to use an Argentinean ball in the first half and a ball supplied by Uruguay in the second half.
  • Architect Buckminster Fuller

    Architect Buckminster Fuller
    Buckminster designed the next soccer ball. He used hexagons and pentagons to create A sphere.
  • Adidas

    Adidas made the first world cup ball that was used with Architect Buckminster Fullers ball design.
  • Synthetic balls

    Synthetic balls
    The leather balls were prone to water-logging. So they had to switch to a synthetic material.
  • Adidas Gamarada

    Adidas Gamarada
    Adidas Gamarada this was the official match ball for the 2000s Olympics. This was the foruth best ball in the experiment
  • Making a new ball

    Making a new ball
    They are still trying to develop a ball that is faster in flight, flight accurate and does not adsorb as much energy in the ball.