
The Snowball

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    On this day, 10 months after the Stock Market Crash, Warren Edward Buffett is born 5 weeks early.
  • Suddenly, Numbers

    Suddenly, Numbers
    Warren, at 6 years old, develops his love and fascination with numbers, beginning with time and a stopwatch.
  • To the Races

    To the Races
    Warren learned two valuable lessons at the horse races. 1.) Nobody ever goes home after the first race, and 2.) You don't have to make it back the way you lost it.
  • Period: to


    The United States enters the Second World War, staying involved until the unconditional surrender of Germany.
  • Patience is a Virtue

    Patience is a Virtue
    Warren buys, then sells, Cities Service Preferred just before it shot up to $202 a share. This is when he learned to be patient
  • Higher Education

    Higher Education
    Warren attends University of Pennsylvania's Wharton school of business
  • A Hero

    A Hero
    Warren meets his hero, Ben Graham, in the spring of 1951
  • His Most Valuable Lesson, In His Opinion

    His Most Valuable Lesson, In His Opinion
    Warren joins the Dale Carnegie public speaking class
  • Tying the Knot

    Tying the Knot
    Warren and Susie get married after the National Guard releases Warren from flood control duty for the wedding
  • Working for Ben

    Working for Ben
    Warren begins working for Ben Graham
  • The Assassination

    The Assassination
    JFK is shot and killed in a motorcade in Dallas
  • A Death in the Family

    A Death in the Family
    Howard Buffett dies, leaving Warren distraught
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    The war in Vietnam, at least the part that America was involved in.
  • Nixon Elected

    Nixon Elected
    Richard Nixon was elected as 37th President of the United States
  • To the Moon

    To the Moon
    The First Man steps on the moon
  • The EPA

    The EPA
    The EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency, was formed.
  • The Pentagon Papers

    The Pentagon Papers
    Papers leaking US Involvement in Vietnam, detailing actions not reported to the public.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The Roe v. Wade case overturns state rulings on abortions
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates founds Microsoft, the tech giant that seems to run the world.
  • The Other Woman

    The Other Woman
    Astrid is asked to look after Warren by Susie
  • A Crisis Occurs

    A Crisis Occurs
    The Iran Hostage Crisis ensues at the American Embassy in Iran
  • The Death of Lennon

    The Death of Lennon
    John Lennon is assassinated by Mark David Chapman
  • A Beautiful Partnership

    A Beautiful Partnership
    Warren makes Munger a full partner for the first time.
  • DOH!

    The Simpsons debuts for the first time.
  • Reputation is Key

    Reputation is Key
    Buffett steps in to save Solomon Brothers, Inc. after a scandal, using his good name and reputation
  • The Dow does the Impossible

    The Dow does the Impossible
    For the first time, the Dow broke 10,000, sending Wall Street into hysteria.
  • The Darkest Hour

    The Darkest Hour
    The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are destroyed in a terrorist attack by the group Al Queda in which a plane was crashed into the builidngs, as well as the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  • A New-found Security

    A New-found Security
    The Department of Homeland Security is formed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Susie Buffet (Big Susie) gets throat cancer
  • A Run-Away Train

    A Run-Away Train
    The Coca-Cola shareholders meeting, an attempt to recover good public opinion over the company, turned into a complete disaster, which did not help the public opinion.
  • His World Falls Apart

    His World Falls Apart
    Big Susie dies from a massive hemorrhagic stroke
  • A New Start?

    A New Start?
    Warren marries Astrid on his 76th birthday, two years after Susie's death.
  • Financial Troubles for the USA

    Financial Troubles for the USA
    The Recession begins in December when the housing bubble bursts
  • My Fellow Americans...

    My Fellow Americans...
    Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States, as well as the first African-American president.