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The Siege of Granada, Spain

  • Dec 26, 1481


    Muley Abdul-Hassan made a suprise attack on the Zahara Christians near the village of Ronda.
  • Feb 28, 1482

    Getting Even... Dun Dun Duuuunnnn!

    Christians, led by Ponce de Leon, retaliated after finding out that Muley captured and enslaved the Zahara village inhabitants. (They occupied Alhama(Moorish town) until Hassan raised a siege)
  • May 14, 1482

    This is WAAARR!!!

    This is WAAARR!!!
    King Ferdinand rode into Alhama, marking the beginning of the war. Siege of Loja was planned by him and his wife, Queen Isabella
  • Jul 4, 1482

    That's gotta hurt!

    (Some people say July 4)
    Ferdinand is brutally defeated at the Battle of Loja. He drew back his army, and that's when the Loja military force which managed to do some serious damage.
  • Apr 24, 1483

    Let meee goo!!

    Let meee goo!!
    Abdul-Hassan's son , Boabdil, laid siege to Lucerna, but was taken captive by Cristian forces while he was withdrawing his army. Soon, they let Boabdil go, and Granada became the focus of a Chistian siege by land and water.
  • Period: May 1, 1485 to Aug 1, 1490

    Southeastern Spain

    Southeastern Spain is now under Castilian Christian control
  • Apr 26, 1491


    50,000 troops, and Ferdinand, began a siege over Granada
  • Nov 25, 1491


    The Moors finally surrendered after starving, and trying to attack the troops once.