The Seven Years War

  • Battling for the Fortress Louisbourg

    Battling for the Fortress Louisbourg
    The French wanted to build a fortress because it could be in the middle of the French fisheries. It was a massive trading port so they built a fortress and had a large millitary.First the British took the fortress Louisbourg from the French. The British returned the Louisbourg. The French captured the Louisbourg. Then the British had a showdown and took the Fortress Louisbourg from the British again. The fortress Louisbourg had conflicts with the French settlers and the British.
  • Competing for the Ohio valley

    Competing for the Ohio valley
    The British and French went to the Ohio valley because the river was used for the a transportation routes for the First nation.Both french and British wanted control of the Ohio river.The French already had a fortress built there.The British formed the company called The Ohio Company.They moved British settlers from Virginia to Ohio valley.That brought a conflict between french and British.
  • The competition for the Ohio Valley Part 2

    The competition for the Ohio Valley Part 2
    The British were trying settle beside the french in the Ohio valley because the British wanted to take the french's land.The British were trying to drive them out.The french knew want happened and attacked the British colonist.The French built many forts to keep the British a away.
  • Battling over the Fortress Duquesne

    Battling over the Fortress Duquesne
    The French governor Marquis Duquesne sent troops to build a fortress.It was called the fortress Duquesne. The fortress was near Monongahela and Allegheny rivers.Those two lake meet the Ohio valley. Thats why the french and British fought over fortress Duquesne.
  • Change in Command for the British

    Change in Command for the British
    For the first few years the British was losing badly.Then they started to change in the plans.They only focused on winning for the North American war.They found new strategy to take over New France. Britain sent new troops and money to the British.They started taking over fortress like the Louisbourg and Duquesne.The British attacked the Quebec city. They attack was a stronghold attack because they climbed over cliffs.
  • Battle of the plain of abraham

    Battle of the plain of abraham
    The British attacked Quebec city but the British couldn't destroy the wall town.The general of the British ,Wolfe had a plan to attack the French.The troops went sailed through the St.Lawerence river with there boat. After they made to the destination,in the early morning the British fooled the french by speaking french.The British troops climbed the 65m cliff by grabbing on to roots. After reaching the top they arranged themselves in two lines and they attacked.
  • French Surrenders

    French Surrenders
    After the British victory of the plains of Abraham,the war was still going on for one more year.The British moved to Quebec city.The French put a strong fight against the British in the winter.The both sides needed reinforcement from Europe.The first ship to come was the British.The french surrenders .The french signed a treaty called the Treaty of Paris. The treaty ended the seven years war.