Life Changing Letter
A letter came in the mail telling America Singer that she was qualified to compete to win over the prince's heart. The only problem is that she has to compete against 34 other girls and she doesn't even want to be there. -
Secret Meeting
Ameica got the letter but she doesn't want to go because of one person. Her boyfriend of 2 years, Aspen. She only agreed because he wanted her to try. When Aspen starts thinking he realizes that he isn't good enough for her. He decides to break up with her and she is utterly heart broken -
Starting over
Even though she doesn't want to go to the castle America looks at it as a chance to start over. She is sad to leave her family but is itching to leave her secret love Aspen. He hurt her and now it is time to move on. As she get on the train to go to the castle she starts thinking that she just might try to win the competition now. -
Meeting the Prince
One night at the castle Ameica started getting homesick. She wanted to go outside but the guards didn't let her. America was close to passing out when an authoritive voice came and told the guards to let her go outside.When America got to a bench in the middle of the garden she had finally figured out that the voice she heard earlier belonged to the prince. -
Confessing to the Prince
After getting to know the prince America decided to tell the prince why she was there. Once the prince found out that she was there on accident and to get away from heart break,he was furious because of what Aspen had done. The prince also understood and told America that she could stay as long as she wanted. They both agreed to friends from that point on. -
The Rebels Attack
There has always been two rebel groups,the Northerns and Southerners. One day the Northerners attacked the castle. America decided to stay calm.Yes, she knew they were under attack but she also kept in mind that they were all still in the competition and she did not want to leave. -
Aspen is Back
There was a party in the graden and all of the Queen's family came. The prince and America decided to take a walk. While on the walk America saw somebody who looked familiar but brushed it off. Suddenly she heard someone say her name. When she turned around she saw Aspen in the uniform of a guard. America knew that she should tell the prince that she should leave but she started forming feelings for the prince so she decided to stay. -
The Attack 2
One day the Southerners attacked and they made it inside the castle.The rebels were vicious, leaving bodys and blood everywhere.Just like the time before when the Northeners attacked, America stayed calm. The night before the attack Aspen confessed his feelings for her but so did the prince. Both men were in the room with her. She was more nervous about them than she was nervous of the attackers. -
The Elite
The Selection Trailer After the attack from the Southerners the prince sent a lot of girls home. There were only six girls left. America could easily be the winner but wasn't sure of her feelings so the prince decided that he could wait. When Aspen confessed his feelings for America it made her life harder. Then she decided to give both men a chance. Now both men have to fight for her love and affection