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Rcmp musical ride

The Secret Life of Sgt. John Wilson

  • Polly Hutchison is Born

  • Jack Requests Polly's Hand in Marriage

    Jack Requests Polly's Hand in Marriage
    Jack asks for Polly's hand. Jack sates that he would blow his brains out with a gun if he was denied Polly. Polly's family agreed that whomever Polly loved they would love. The fact that Jack says he will blow his brains out foreshadows that Jack is an overdramatic and psychotic man. “When Jack requested her hand in marriage in August 1906, all were pleased-and a bit relieved after Jack's dramatic announcement that if Polly wasn't allowed to marry him he would blow his brains out." (8)
  • Jack and Polly get Married

  • Polly and Jack’s Son George is Born

  • Jack moves to St. Albert and joins the RCMP

  • Jack Moves to Saskatoon

    Jack Moves to Saskatoon
    Jack stole money from Polly's family after he ran his families grocery trade into the garbage. Jack became dismal with shame and grief, picked up his things and left to Saskatoon for a year leaving his wife, and children behind. This event is important because it shows that Jack is a cowardice man who cannot handle disgrace. It also shows that Jack's love for Polly and his family is not a strong as he claimed. "Some like Wilson, were fleeing scandals at home, and many would never look back."(11)
  • Jack Moves to Blaine Lake

  • Jack Meets Jessie and Takes a Liking to Her

  • Jack is Diagnosed with Tuberculosis

    Jack is Diagnosed with Tuberculosis
    Jack has always struggled with his lungs, but the actual problem is revealed when he is diagnosed with TB. While trying to recover over the winter Jessie takes him into her family’s home and nurses him back to life. “And so Wilson lived through the long winter of 1917-1918, looked after primarily by Jessie, who, he said, was the soul of Goodness." (33) This event is crucial in the development of Jack and Jessie's relationship. Here Jack realizes that Jessie is a loving caring young women.
  • Jack Asks Jessie to Marry Him

    Jack Asks Jessie to Marry Him
    While Jessie was looking after Jack in the winter of 1917-1918 Jack asked Jessie to marry him. "He explained however that, his wife was not dead, but he was divorcing her because “she was a women with no morals whatsoever and had tricked him into marrying her."(33) Even knowing this Jessie still agreed to marry Jack. The fact that Jack lied about his wife being dead, and then about her not being dead but instead crazy emphasizes that Jack is ruthless in trying to get what he wants.
  • Polly and Jack's Tenth Wedding Anniversary and Fifth Apart

  • Polly Arrives in Regina

    Polly Arrives in Regina
    After Polly and Jacks 5th anniversary apart Polly decides to find Jack. Polly goes to the RNWMP headquarters to find him. She ends up phoning Jack who is in Prince Albert. Jack is surprised, uneasy, and tells her to meet him in Saskatoon. "No wonder people could come here and never be heard from again."(45) This event shows how jack has moved on from Polly. He is uneasy and trembles at the sound of Polly's voice. The fact he asks her to meet him Saskatoon shows he does not want her in his life.
  • Polly Becomes Pregnant with Jack's Child

  • Jack Joins the Corps, CMPC

  • Jack's Fake Brother is Resurrected

    Jack's Fake Brother is Resurrected
    In this letter Jack resurrects his supposed dead brother Alex, by saying he has escaped from prison camp. The letter then goes onto say that Jack has cabled 500 dollars to Alex. Jack used this lie to explain why he has been short on money lately, even though it was because of his double life. Jack liked to use the letters to lie because he said "These dramatic lies always put him a good light." (63) This event is crucial in showing the ruthlessness and psychotic side of Jack.
  • Polly Discovers Jessie's Letters

    Polly Discovers Jessie's Letters
    Since Polly has arrived Jack and Jessie have been writing letters back forth vigorously. When Polly discovered the letters she found out that Jack and Jessie were planning on getting married. When Polly went to the station to confront him. Jack became angry with her and told her to go back home. “Well one thing was clear, she couldn't ignore it any longer." (58) This event is the build to Polly's death. Jack's secret is out and now he must choose between Jessie and Polly.
  • Jack and Polly are Moving to Saskatoon

    Jack and Polly are Moving to Saskatoon
    Jack Buying a house seems to have given Polly hope in her marriage. This is seen by Polly telling Mrs.Wismer that she is sending for her kids to come home. "The truth was she didn't feel as happy as she should have; she felt, in fact, uneasy." (71) In this event it foreshadows at a new future for a Polly, but not a good one. Mr. Wismer expresses concerns for Polly, and Polly expresses her own concern. This event hints at Jack's cruelty of giving Polly hope again only to betray her.
  • John Buys a Marriage License

    John Buys a Marriage License
    Jack is buying a marriage license for him and Jessie. Sadly, when asked his marriage status John says Bachelor. John is very nervous and pale the entire time. "If he hadn't been in uniform, Wilfred might have worried that this pale, nervous man intended to rob the store." (73) The significance of this event is that John is nervous about marrying Jessie because he has not divorced Polly, but instead told her he is breaking up with Jessie. John's nervousness shows he has some sort of remorse.
  • Jack Kills Polly

    Jack Kills Polly
    The author expresses the beauty and serenity of the environment. Jack is nervous the entire time constantly saying “‘Yeah, I suppose we'd better get it over with." (78) This phrase along with Jack bringing his gun and buying a shovel foreshadows Jack killing Polly. The significance is Jack shows his psychotic side and kills Polly, an irreversible act. The gruesomeness of the murder is shown by describing the serene environment and then the horror of even the unborn child of Polly dying.
  • Jack and Jessie get Married