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The Secret Life of Bees Timeline - Mariam A

  • Rosaleen gets Arrested

    Rosaleen gets Arrested
    Rosaleen and Lily walk to town in order for Rosaleen to register her name to vote. On their way, they stumble upon three violent racists who question what Rosaleen is doing here. The men begin to insult Rosaleen when they find out she's planning on registering to vote and make fun of that she's too ignorant and illiterate to be voting. Consequently, Rosaleen spells out her name using her snuff juice on the men's shoes causing them to fury and attack her. The police comes and arrests Rosaleen.
  • Lily and Rosaleen Runaway

    Lily and Rosaleen Runaway
    When Lily's father doesn't help Rosaleen out of jail and Lily finds out that those racist men could come back and kill Rosaleen, she makes up an escape plan. She leaves her house already hating living with T-ray, her dad as he is aggressive and mean. She gets Rosaleen free and they quickly escape out of their town, Sylvan, SC, and to a place where Lily thinks she can find information on her dead mom, Tibourn, SC.
  • Lily and Rosaleen are taken in by August Boatwright

    Lily and Rosaleen are taken in by August Boatwright
    After arriving in Tibourn, Lily finds out about a lady who makes honey with a picture similar to one her mother had. The lady lives in a big pink house where Lily and Rosaleen. The lady is August Boatwright and her 2 sisters, June and May. Lily lies about why she and Rosaleen came and although August could tell Lily was ying she offered them jobs and shelter in her house.
  • Lily and Rosaleen argue

    Lily and Rosaleen argue
    After staying in the Boatwright house for a while, Rosaleen and Lily get used to living in the house. They learn about the Black Mary, whom the sisters pray to and lives revolve around. August teaches Lily to be a beekeeper and she makes a new friend, Zach, who's August's godson and helper. After a while, Rosaleen tells Lily that she needs to get out of the dream life she's in right now and face reality and tell August the truth but Lily refuses.
  • Lily calls T-ray

    Lily calls T-ray
    When Zach takes Lily with him to Zach and August's friend whose a lawyer, Lily sees a picture of him and his daughter in his office. The picture makes Lily wonder if T-ray is regretting the way he ever treated Lily and if he really does love her. Lily uses Mr. Forrest's office's phone to call T-ray. T-ray is furious and shouts at Lily, he promises that he will find her and take her home.
  • Zach gets Arrested

    When Zach and Lily are on a honey run, Zach leaves Lily in the truck to greet some friends. One of Zach's friends throws a Coke bottle at a Caucasian man. So when the police come and ask who did it, Zach nor his friends refuse to give away their friend and they all get arrested. Mr Forrest, the lawyer, works on getting Zach out but claims it will take some time.
  • May commits suicide

    May is a special person. Bad news affects her greater than regular people which leads her into depressions. When she finds out that Zach got arrested, she can't handle all the unfairness that she witnesses around her and drowns herself in the river.
  • August and Lily talk

    August and Lily talk
    August and Lily finally talk. Lily tells the truth and how she and Rosaleen had escaped. Then, Lily shows August the only picture of her mom she has. August tells Lily she knows her mom since she was a little girl as she had raised her. August and Lily talk most of the night and August tells Lily the whole story, the truth.
  • T-ray finds Lily

    T-ray finds Lily
    T-ray tracks down Lily's phone call and goes to Tibourn to get her. He and Lily talk about Deborah, Lily's mom, and Lily tells him what she knew. T-ray rages and hits Lily and tells her to come with him immediately home but she refuses. August tells T-ray that Lily could stay here and asks him to leave. This infuriates T-ray even more but he finally gives in and leaves Lily with the Boatwright sisters.