The Austrian Anschluss
At this time, Hitler threatents to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis were given great government posts. Later then, Austria's chancellor called the question to unify with Germany and put the people in decision. -
The Munich Conference
After the annexation or The Austrian Anschluss Hitler continued his job. Hitler announced that an area of Czechoslovakia belonged to Germany. The Sudetenland was a region with mostly German speaking people and Hitler wanted to annnex it. Czechoslovakia opposed this idea and so did France. I came the Prime Minister of England, Neville Chamberlain. England, France, Italy and Germany conducted a meeting at Munich. There England and Frace gave the will for Germany to take over the Sudatenland. -
Hitler Demands Danzig
After the invasion of Czechoslavakia, Hitler took matter into his own hands and made another threat. This time to Poland. Initially, Hitler demanded that the German city of Danzig be returned to Germany and soon after it was in Germany's control. Only, that was not enough for Hitler. In May 1939, Hitler ordered troops to get ready to invade Poland. -
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
After taking Contol of the city of Danzig, Hitler called his negotiators and asked them to make a Pact with the USSR. This was crucuial for Hitler because he did not want to fight with both West and the Soviets. On the 23 of August, 1939, this treaty was signed and Poland was split into two parts. -
The Invasion of Poland
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.Poland could not resist to the German army because it was very outdated. The Polish rode on horseback and used swords. While the Germans used the blitzgrieg warfare. Germans used tanks, bombed the capitol and sent don paratroopers to cut off the army's supplies. -
The Fall of France
On this date, the Germans battled the French. -
The Battle of Britain
On this date Winston Churchill delivered aspeech that reached out as to the English people it also was intended to reach the America's. After the fall of France, Hitler thought Britain would try to negotiate peace. Realizing that waiting would do nothing, He ordered troops to get ready to attack. If Hitler were to attsck he would only have one way. He needed to destroy the The British Royal Airforce. On August 23, the German airforce began to drop bombs on London, Britain's capitol. -
The Evacuation of Dukirk
After the Germans trapped the allied forces in Belgium they began to drive them to the English Channel. After reaching the city of Dunkirk, Hitler stopped his forces. After three days the allied forces started to evacuate all the sodiers to England. On June 4, there was an estimate of 338,000 troops that were evacuated. Therefore it was called a miracle.