The second World War

  • Lightning war

    Lightning war
    German and Russians had occupied Poland.
  • The phoney war

    The phoney war
    Five month pause between The lightning war and soviet attack on Findland.
    This was a period of the war when Britain and France declared war on Germany due to the attack of Poland and end when Germany invaded Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg.
  • Denmark and Norway invaded

    German forces occupied Denmarkand Norway. Control Norway was important for the Germans because Narvik was the main outlet for Swedish iron-ore, which was vital for the German armaments industry.
  • Hitler attacks Holland, Belgium and France

    Attacks were made on Holland,Belgium and France.The Dutch, surrendered after four days. Belgium held out longer, but its surrender in late May left the British and French troops in Belgium exposed as German motorized divisions invaded northern France; only Dunkirk remained in Allied hands
    the Franco-German armistice was signed at Compiegne. The Germans occupied northern France and the Atlantic coast
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Hittler attempt to bomb Britain in retaliation, for a British raid on Berlin. This is the first turning point of the war.
  • Mussolini invades Egypt

    Mussolini sent an Italian army to Lybia (september) and another Italian army invaded Greece.
  • Hitler's forces invaded Greece

    Australian and New Zealand troops arrived to help the Greeks. The Germans captured Athens, forcing the British to retreat, and after bombarding Crete, launched another invasion towards the British, who were forced to evacuate (May 1941)
  • Operation Barbarossa

    The German attack was threefold: in the north towards Leningrad, in the centre towards Moscow and in the south through the Ukraine,meanwhile It´s forces failed to capture Leningrad and Moscow.
  • The USA enters the war

    The USA enters the war
    Japanese attack on Pearl Harber, USA because of economical problems, then USA entered to war. This mean a less chance for an Axis victory.
  • Midway Island

    the Americans defeated a powerful Japanese attack. Midway is a turning point in the battle for the pacific, It weakened the japanese seriously.
  • El Alamein

    El Alamein
    Was a battle of the Western Desert campaign of World War II, where Axis forces fought. Was another turning point in the war because It prevented Egypt and the Suez Canal from falling into German hands.and It ended the possibility of a link-up between the Axis forces in the Middle East and those in the Ukraine.
  • The battle of the Atlantic

    This was the struggle against German U-boats attempting to deprive Britain of food and raw materials
  • The fall of Italy,Anglosajon American invasion

    This is the first country which fell and the first step of the Axis collapse. Powers and resourses of the USA and URSS slowly wore the Axis powers down. After the Italy´s fall, the Anglosajon American Invasion of Normandi liberate France, Belgium and Holland.
  • Operation overlord and The assault on Germany

    Also known as the Second Front. The invasion of France began on June 1944. This was the codename for the Battle of Normandy, the Allied operation that launched the successful invasion of German-occupied Western Europe.
    With the success of the Second Front, Allies began to gather for the invasion of Germany, but this war was prolonged by German high resistance and disagreements between the British and Americans.
    Allied trops crossed the Rhine and captured Cologne. Germany surrended in may 1945.
  • The defeat of Japan

    The defeat of Japan
    the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and a nuclear bomb in Nagasaki.The dropping of these bombs was one of the most controversial actions of the entire war. This was also a demonstration to the USSR of the USA's enormous power.