
The Second World War

  • Germany Invades Czechoslovakia

    In order to stay away from war in was agreed that Germany would get a portion of Czechoslovakia which inhabitted three million Germans. But they gave away a very valuable portion of the country giving Hitler more control. They tried ot suffice his needs but in the end Czechoslovakia was threatened that if they did not give over there country, that the German army would bomb them.
  • The Soviet- Nazi Pact

    The Soviet- Nazi Pact
    Several days before the beggining of World War II, Ribbentrop and Motolov signed the Soviet-Nazi Pact. This pact stated that Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each other in any sort of warefare.
  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland. Within a week the Polish forces were defeated. They were greatly out numbered by the Germans having over 2000 tanks and and 1000 war planes.
  • Phony War (Sitzkrieg)

    Phony War (Sitzkrieg)
    This is a period of World War II that was lacking in main military acts against Germany.
  • Canada Enters the War

    Canadian forces enter the War by declaring war on Germany. This was out first independent declaration of war.
  • The Invasion of Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium

    On this date Germany first invaded Norway. THe Brittish forces were already planning to do so by laying mines in shipping channels. But Germany still invaded not only Norway, but Denmark, Holland and Belgium.
  • The Invasion of France

    The Invasion of France
    This battle would lead to the Fall of France. On this day Germany succesfully invaded France and other The Low Countries.
  • The Miracle at Dunkirk

    The Miracle at Dunkirk
    This is also known as the Dunkirk Evacuation. This event was the evacutation of all the Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk. It was reffered to by Winston Churchill as "A collosal military disaster"
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    The French forces finally fell to the Germans. And the Government surrendered just seven weeks after the beggining of the invasion of France.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This battle mainly consisted of gaining control over the air superiority from the Royal Canadian Air Force. This was the largest amount of bombing in a battle to date,
  • Operation Barbarossa

    This was Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. This attack strictly violated the pact signed earlier in 1939.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This was a surprise military manuver by the Japanese on the United States where Pearl Harbor was bombed perfusely. It was supposed to prevent the US from intterfering with Japan as they went to attack South East Africa.
  • Nazi Occupation in 1942

    Nazi Occupation in 1942