The Pact of San Sebastian
Rebolucionans and socialist meet in San Sebastian and agree to overthrow the monarchy and estabilish a democratic rebolucian regime -
The Constitution
In June 1932, the Constitutent Assenbly elections were held to choose the drafters of the new Republicans Constitution. Partido socialista Obrero Español and Partido Republicano Radical. -
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Reformist biennium
Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named presiden of the Republic and Manuel Azaña was named president of the goverment. -
Municipal elections
the new constitutional goverment choosen by the king call the first free elections since Primo the Rivera´s coup in 1921 -
The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
The republic is proclamed, On the same day the Revolutionary Comittee becames the Provisional Republican Goverment of the Second Spanish Republic. -
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The black biennium
This was the first time women could vote. The left.wing parties were more divided then ever. The anarchist encourage people not to vote and the right-wing Cathlic parties were united under the confederacion Española de derechas autonomas. -
The Revolution of Octover
It was striker´s movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisations -
The popular Front
The left-wing parties joned together to form the Popular Front coalition. The Popular Front defended the right to ammesty for the political prisioners held since the Rebolution of 1934 and pushed the social reforms begun in 1931 -
The start of the civil War
These event triggered the military coup wich gad been in making for some time. General Emilio Mola was in charge of organising the rebellion under the leadership of José Sanjurjo.