
The Second Spanish Republic

  • Primo de Riveras´s resignation

    Primo de Riveras´s resignation
    After a few years where the dictatorship was damaged by events such as the different rebellions (such as the student rebellion, the artillery academy rebellion and the attempted coup d'état), the various oppositions (such as the opposition of the intellectuals or that of the other political parties), and the economic and financial crisis that prevailed at that time resulted in a resignation of Primo de Rivera (who was older and with health problems)
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    It was the last period of the Bourbon Restoration and of the reign of Alfonso XIII in Spain.
    The government of General Dámaso Berenguer, formed in January 1930 to restore "constitutional normality" after the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera
  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    It was a meeting of republican parties, the strategy was agreed to end the monarchy of Alfonso XIII and proclaim the Second Spanish Republic.
  • «Sublevación de Jaca» (first try to asault the monarchy)

    The republican-socialist revolutionary committee, chaired by Alcalá-Zamora, prepared the military insurrection that would be sheltered in the street by a general strike. However, the general strike was never declared because captains Fermín Galán and Ángel García Hernández revolted the garrison in Jaca three days before the scheduled date.
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    Admiral Aznar's government

    Aznar formed a government of "monarchical concentration" in which old leaders of the liberal and conservative parties entered
  • Municipal elections.

    Municipal elections.
    These elections determined the arrival of the Second Spanish Republic.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The second republic was proclaimed on April 14, 1931, that same day the provisional republican government was created and King Alfonso XIII left Spain for the borders of France
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    Reformist biennium

    It constitutes the stage of the Second Republic in which the coalition government of left republicans and socialists chaired by Manuel Azaña deepens the reforms initiated by the Provisional Government whose purpose is to modernize the Spanish economic, social, political and cultural reality. It main reforms were:
    -The statute of Autonomy for Cataluña
    -The subordination of the army
    -The jesuits were expelled
    -The agrarian reform In 1933 anarchist labourers occupied the land in Casas Viejas
  • The 1931 Constitution

    The 1931 Constitution
    The main points in the constitution of 1931 are:
    -Democratic and progressive features
    -Social economy
  • "La Sanjurjada"

     "La Sanjurjada"
    General Sanjuro´s coup to stop the reform failed
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    The Black Biennium

    It is the period between the general elections of November 1933 and those of February 1936 during which the center-right republican parties headed by the Radical Republican Party of Alejandro Lerroux, allies with the Catholic right of the CEDA and of the Party Agrarian.
    Francisco Largo Caballero (one of the leaders of the PSOE) fearing the CEDA calls for a general strike that will end up being a revolution In 1934 the October Revolution take place
  • The Revolution of October

    The Revolution of October
    It was a striker´s movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisations. This revolution was only consolidated in Asturias for a couple of weeks. Some of the most important uprisings were:
    - Cataluña declared himself independent and the generalitat dissolved, the president Lluís Companys was arrested
    - In Asturias staged an armed revolt (who was down by the army)
    -The goverment was hit by a corruption scandal
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    The Popular Front

    New elections were called for February 1936, for this elections the left-wing parties join together to form the Popular Front, the popular front defend
    -The amnesty for the political prisioners
    - Pushed the social reforms (who begun in 1931) At the same time the rigth-wing parties grew. The Bloque Nacional (led by José Calvo Sotelo) and the Falange Española (founded by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera) were the more important ones.
  • The February Elections

    The February Elections
    In this February Electons the Popular Front won with an absolute parlimentary majority (60%) but the number of votes was almost the same (rigth-wing votes 45.6% and left-wing votes 47.1%) so Spain was polliticaly split
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    Start of the civil war

    The tension predominated in the parliment and in the street the violence between the politically adverse groups generated a lot of deaths (74 deaths and 345 wounded people).
    On 12 July lieutenant Castillo assault guards , was murdered by a rigth wing gunmen, in revenge Castillo´s colleagues hidnapped and killed Calvo Sotelo . This event caused that the General emilio Mola organised a rebellion under the leadership of José Sanjurjo (they were supported by some conservative groups)
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    Civil war